Chapter 362 Extremely Pampering

The man's familiar and scorching breath struck Bianca...

The smell of his male hormones that made people feel at ease filled Bianca's nose. When she smelled the masculine and chilly smell from Luke's body as he held her neck tightly, Bianca's fear in her head slowly faded. She started to feel at ease.

She had not felt anything before, but after she saw Luke, her sadness suddenly poured out like spring water.

Bianca whispered, "Luke..."

Luke hugged her tightly and sat on a nearby bench with Bianca on his lap.

The man gazed over at the wounds on her neck, and the pain in his heart showed on his face.

At the same time, there was an unquenchable hostility that lingered in his eyes!

Bianca subconsciously covered the scratches on her neck with her hands because she did not want him to see her ugly wounds.

Luke leaned forward to tuck a lock of her hair that was bouncing on her cheek behind her ear.

After that, he lifted Bianca's tiny chin. "I look away for one second and you get yourself such a serious injury? Tell me, how can I be assured when I let you go out alone in the future, hmmm? Are you still a little kid?”

Bianca let him envelop her in his arms dominantly.

His hot chest was against her ears, and she could clearly hear his heart beating fiercely.

That man had always been calm.

beating so

think much about it at the time. I thought... the whole thing was quite strange. When the Persian cat was dining with us, it was fine. Why did

softly, "Don't worry, I'll look into

the dying Persian cat with

reason! I’m guessing that someone must’ve injected it with

the two little kiddos who

experience in coaxing children

own family was not afraid of anyone but him. After years of battles of wits and courage with his son, Jim had formulated his own special

very well-behaved and sensible, it only took a little while before Jim made the two crying children

twin siblings and the Persian cat lying

end, her heartache

Persian cat and hugged the white cat's

fell like strings of pearls on the blood-stained fur of the Persian

saw Jim's face inadvertently, Scarlett was stunned for a bit. The man was very handsome. He was tall and thin with a body that looked like a mannequin with the black shirt worn on his slender upper body. His body was so well-proportioned to

on his cuffs gleamed

eyes met his, her heart suddenly

because she realized the man was sizing her

was a trace of doubt

the blue waitress uniform had her beautiful hair wrapped up in a bun and her small oval

those eyes of hers were particularly attractive. Not only did she have a beautiful eye shape, but her eyes seemed like spring water, as

was a little uncomfortable being stared

man's gaze, but she was certain that his

to that, her instinct was telling

tried to move

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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