Chapter 378 So Caring and Indulgent

Everything served at lunch was home-cooked, but it had a full spread of meats, an assortment of vegetables, and Old Master Rayne's favorite sake.

Luke had found out about Old Master Rayne's favorite sake brand from Bianca. He took a long detour on the way and bought it.

After serving the rib stew on the table, Bianca sat down next to Luke.

She scooped some stew into her grandfather's plate and said, "Grandpa, I've learned how to cook from recipe books. Try them. I hope that you'll like it."

Most of the dishes were Old Master Rayne's favorites, while the others were Luke's favorite dishes.

Old Master Rayne patted Luke's shoulders and heaped praise on his granddaughter. "My granddaughter is pretty good, right? Look at all the dishes served on the table. Not only do they look good, but they taste good too. I'm already drooling from the smell alone. You're so lucky to marry my Bianca. She’s been a good girl since young, but she is too soft. She won't complain even if someone wronged her. You'd better not bully my granddaughter, Luke!"

Old Master Rayne had met Luke several times and knew that he was the boss of a multinational company. Luke might be rich, but he was not arrogant. Instead, he was polite and courteous toward Old Master Rayne, which gave the old man a good impression of him.

Old Master Rayne was nonetheless worried.

His granddaughter was a good girl, but the outstanding man came from a wealthy family.

Meanwhile, his family was not rich or influential, and he feared that he was a burden. He was also worried that his granddaughter might be looked down upon.

Luke's well-built body sat elegantly on the dining chair. While discreetly fondling Bianca's petite hand, he spoke jokingly to Old Master Rayne, ‘ Don't worry, Grandpa. Bianca's position in the family is higher than mine.

She's always the one bullying me. Would I dare to bully her? I don't think I've pampered her enough!" "Good boy! Here, let's drink..."

good spirits today. After several drinks,

she saw that. "You ought

Rayne glanced at Bianca unhappily. "I'm in a good mood today. I know my body better than anyone else, and I won't collapse after

today, Father, but you shouldn't drink too much. When we went to the hospital for your checkup a few days ago, the doctor said

the table when he heard

My grandson-in-law is here to visit me, and I thought I'd drink a few more cups with him.

going to

with their big and round eyes. Their mouths were open, and they

threw a tantrum was exactly

but he loved to eat meat. When Luke tried to restrict his diet, he would throw a tantrum just like

had his own way of dealing with bad-tempered old men. After all, he could handle Old Master Crawford who had a bad temper. Old Master Rayne looked

little with my client before I got here. The sake is too strong, and I don't think I can manage another drink. How about we drink another day? Right, my old man has several bottles of fine red wine in his cellar at home. Not only does it taste amazing, but it's also good for your health. You can even drink a bottle of that without any ill effects. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry to come today, and I forgot

lot better when his grandson-in-law

eyes sparkled. ’ Alright, we'll drink to our fill

family continued

Master Rayne and at the same time answer Wanda's incisive questions. However, he

different. The old man was gentle and caring. He would have never


You ought to eat more..." His eyes brimmed

he had done

Rayne and Wanda

a long time. He could tell that Luke was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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