Chapter 380 Bianca Might Look Docile, But She Has A Sharp Tongue!

T Corporation advertising department.

The interior shooting location was beautifully decorated, and all the employees were busy at work.

The shoot was for a commercial of T Corporation's latest Queen series perfumes which would be launched after the new year. It was fragrant, long- lasting, and epitomized feminine charm and allure.

The theme of the commercial this time was "obsession."

When Bianca stepped into the location, she could see that everyone was busy in their roles.

Leia was in a see-through outfit and smokey eye makeup. She was in the middle of a shoot.

The crew members were busy attending to her.

They took a short break during which the cosmetician touched up Leia's makeup. After that, she returned to the scene.

Josef, the director, sat behind a high shutter speed camera. He was talking through the walkie-talkie, telling the lighting technician to turn up the brightness.

After the lighting was adjusted, he got cameras 1 and 2 to change their positions. Then, he spoke loudly into the walkie-talkie, Til need everyone’s cooperation to get the shoot to work this time!"

Josef was an internationally renowned director. Two of his movies, ' A Beautiful Soul" and "Magic Arrow," have earned him the Best Director award in the Oscars. He had directed commercials for other major perfume brands like Chanel and Dior.

All the

Josef gave the command, the gaffer, lighting

all pointed at Leia to

camera crew pressed

her hand. She changed various seductive poses, including lying on the floor, facing the camera with her back, or using her arm to cover half of her face. In any case, they

could not help but

that she had to flaunt her seductive charm,

few minutes, Josef gave

about we take a ten-minute break and continue. Our theme for this shoot is 'obsession,' and

She noticed Josef's disappointed gaze on

her best to look as

herself to the role, even forgetting to eat. The shoot had gone on for almost a day, and

her commercial shoots were done in

given her best to the shoot. What more did the bad-tempered

thought that the director was deliberately being troublesome, but she maintained her composure and said, "Thank you for your pointers, Mr. Josef. I'll pay more attention next

is pretty, but she doesn't have any soul. Her performance was stiff, and her bearing isn't suitable for this brand at all. Mr. Crawford has always been a good judge of character. I wonder why he would

in the shooting location

from the bottle, cursing the director to

of her status, and no one had directly criticized her acting skills in front of her, even though

her skills in front of everyone,

feel very aggrieved, but she could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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