Chapter 383 A Double Loss!

Luke frowned when he imagined Bianca appearing on the silver screen for the other men to see and admire. He rejected the idea without giving it a second thought. "There's no need, Mr. Josef. She's not suited for the entertainment industry."

However, Josef insisted. "The young lady has great potential. I can guarantee that she'll be famous around the world in just one movie!"

Luke believed that Josef had the ability.

The director had created more stars in Hollywood than any other director.

However, Luke did not want Bianca to enter the chaotic entertainment industry. He expressed his opinion once more, "Mr. Josef, Bianca's interest is in architectural design. She wants to be a famous designer and not a celebrity." "She can be a designer while she works on her acting career. It's just a change in titles. Ms. Rayne can put her acting first and do design on the side. There's no conflict between the two."

Seeing that he could not convince Luke, Josef turned his head and asked for Bianca's opinion, "Are you interested in venturing into the entertainment industry, Ms. Rayne?"

Bianca smiled gently and rejected Josef's offer as well.

"I appreciate your offer, Mr. Josef, but my passion is in design." She made her stand clear.

Josef shook his head helplessly. He was quite disappointed with Bianca's insistence.

The advertising manager shot a surprised glance at Bianca.

So many people wanted the famous director to notice them, but they never had the chance.

With Josefs guidance, one would easily make it big in the entertainment industry.

the offer so directly. Did she know what

be disappointed, but he gave Bianca his name card. "If at any time you find yourself interested again, feel free to contact me." "Thank you." Bianca took the name card and expressed

say anything, though his stern expression indicated that he would not want Bianca to enter the entertainment

No other man was worthy to

was halfway done with my presentation, Mr. Crawford. I should

that she was not done with her presentation yet.

his finger. "Mm. Don't overwork yourself. Well go home together

instead of "go

know since when she had become an important part of Luke's life. It felt good to be

turned to

pale and carried an undetectable

the perfume commercial,

to Josef. Being a Hollywood star

defenses of his heat. Unfortunately for her, all her plans

had never felt so

earlier. Our company has breached the contract, and we will compensate three times the termination fee. The fault is entirely on


but she did not show any dissatisfaction in front of Luke and Josef.

Mr. Crawford. I was indeed not in my element today. I will go back and reflect on my faults, and I hope that I'll have

insisted on replacing the model, but Luke did not blame him for

admiration for the man

nodded apologetically at Luke, then turned to give Leia some words of encouragement. "Ms. Norman, you have a beautiful appearance, but your range of expression restricts you to pure characters.

might be smiling, but her smile was slightly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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