Chapter 385 Get Bianca's Hair To Do A DNA Test!

After the private detective left, Leia remained on her seat, staring at the cup of coffee that had long gone cold.

She pinched her arm and felt the sharp pain. She turned to look at the stack of documents on the table again and finally believed that what happened earlier was real!

She had lived as a Norman for so long, and she had treated herself as the one and only Ms. Norman. She had never expected that the true Ms. Norman was still alive and might return to replace her one day.

As she thought of Luke, the man she loved, she closed her eyes in agony.

She had loved the man for too long. If only the man showed the least bit of tenderness to her, she would be satisfied.

Bianca Rayne!

Leia cackled hideously.

Luke single-mindedly loved that woman with a humble background. If Bianca were truly Jack and Queenie's birth daughter and the truth was revealed one day, Queenie would divert all the love and attention she gave Leia to Bianca.

By then, Leia would be abandoned!

When she thought of that, Leia laughed coldly. 'Ha, I will not allow this to happen!'

Norman family house.

Leia did not see her mother when she got home. She remembered that her mother would usually be practicing yoga at this time, so she went to the yoga room.

was practicing

but her skin remained fair and delicate. It was as though time did not leave a mark on her

wearing white yoga clothes that concealed


not know her mother's true age, she would have thought that the elegant and noble Queenie was

younger by the day. Everyone else's mothers

her gently closed eyes opened slightly." You know how

soon..." "My daughter is outstanding. I've

next to Queenie, and they

mother's eyes and pressed her lips. Something flashed across her gentle face. "Unfortunately, I

your roles. You can continue to act for as long as you like. When you don't feel like acting anymore, you can come back and help me with my business. If you're

daughter. If I'm not nice to you, who

know that your birth daughter is still

She swallowed the words that were on the tip of her tongue and buried them deep

and gently wiped Queenie's cheeks. "You must be thirsty after practicing yoga for so long, Mom. I'll get you

and more fond of her adoptive

was not paying attention, Leia grabbed two loose strands of Queenie's hair on the yoga mat, carefully wrapped them in the handkerchief, and put it in her

expression flashed past her

get Bianca's hair so that she could do a DNA

that Queenie's birth daughter

get any mercy from me!' Leia's

T Corporation.

presentation, she sent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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