Chapter: 61

“What’s your name?” Lynch called out after her.

Ariana stopped and turned. Her red lips parted as she uttered, “Brielle Edwards.”

“Brielle…” Lynch repeated the name to himself. He couldn’t take his eyes off her back as she walked into the elevator.

As she left the elevator, Ariana glanced around to make sure she wasn’t being followed. She entered the restroom and began washing her hands thoroughly.

The thought of Lynch touching her made her sick to her stomach.

him under her breath as

her face. Just as she was about to lean over the sink, the restroom door crashed open. A man

back in shock. “What are you doing?”

hurried over

of me, you pervert! I’ll call the police!” Ariana struggled and was finally

prey. “Drop the act. You’re a prostitute, right? I can tell by the way you’re

taken aback. She shook her head and protested, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.

saw you trying to seduce that man His expression turned fierce.

drunken state, Jett was still much stronger than

get back out the door, he pressed her against

and yellow teeth, Ariana felt sick. “Let’s get this over with. As soon as you pleasure me, I’ll let you go,” Jett

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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