Chapter: 200

Elva knew that Juliet and Sarah were close, so Elva didn’t bother being nice to her and replied rudely, “Mind your own business. I guess you’re still in the dark. The host will announce that Sarah has to drop out of the competition if she cannot make it here by the time the show starts.”

Juliet widened her eyes in shock and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only ten minutes before the opening.

Just then, the host came in for a few final touch-ups before opening the show.

Elva was a little anxious that Sarah might arrive soon. She urged, “Should we start now? The audience must be anxious to see us.”

“Certainly not. We need to follow the schedule,” Juliet interjected hastily.

Elva stepped forward and insisted, “Hear me out. It will be a pleasant surprise for the audience. They always wanted to see more of us.”

was annoyed but helpless. Elva was the most famous

some thought, the host finally agreed

Let’s start the show on time. Sarah will be here soon,” Juliet

and sneered, “Why are you trying so hard?

dressing room opened. Betsy appeared through the door first, followed

finally arrived!” Juliet exclaimed

also pounding with relief and

schedule weighed heavily on the host,

the unexpected. A single misstep

with the added pressure of it being a live broadcast, there was no room for error. Every

expression turning hostile. “Weren’t you hiding? Why bother coming to the final if you just want to make

shooed Elva away and took Sarah by the arm, leading her inside. “We don’t have time for this. Let’s get you in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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