Chapter 44 All Wanting To The Old Man Die

Samuel’s brothers, Albert and Christopher, shouted again. Even if it’s a physical examination, can’t we take a look? That’s our brother in there!”

Gilderoy said helplessly, “Master Albert, Master Christopher, it’s not that I don’t want you to see Master Samuel, but it’s really not good to disturb him when he’s sleeping! You all know that Master Samuel hasn’t been sleeping well He finally fell asleep. If he’s disturbed, it’ll be difficult for him to fall asleep again” Let’s just watch and not disturb him! Both Albert and Christopher said in unison

They had each arranged for someone to stay in the Parks’ residence

At eight in the morning, they saw Gilderoy get someone to help the old man into the car. They suspected that something was wrong with Samuel’s body.

They saw no reason for Samuel to wobble his way into the car otherwise. Moreover, Dr. Suller was with thern. Dr. Suller’s medical skills were very good. He could no doubt treat small problems. Now that Dr. Suller was going out with Samuel, there must be a huge problem with the latter’s body.

Therefore, they discussed for a while and waited for two hours before rushing to Metropolis Hospital, pretending that they had met by chance in the hospital.

After all, it would be too obvious if they came over as soon as Gilderoy arrived at the hospital.

“How long has Samuel been asleep?” Julian asked Gilderoy.

“Master Samuel has only slept for 15 minutes. He must be tired after checking his body, so he went straight to sleep.” Gilderoy said.

Julian nodded and looked at Albert and Christopher, and said, “Albert, Christopher, grandpa has always been a light sleeper. It’s easy to wake him up even when he had just fallen asleep. He wasn’t even able to take a nap for long. You can see him in an hour. By the way, why did you two come to the hospital? Are you feeling unwell? Or are you two doing physical examinations here?”

Julian had always been silent and aloof in front of outsiders, giving off an oppressive feeling.

Even Albert and Christopher only dared to complain behind his back when they were dissatisfied with him. After all, Julian was Samuel’s designated successor. He was now taking over the Parks family’s businesses one after another.

bumped into Samuel here. We were afraid that Samuel might have any health problems, so we came over to take a look. Since Samuel is taking a nap, we’ll come back in an hour.

seen Annalise, he asked curiously, “Julian, who is this girl? Your new secretary?” “My wife, Annalise!” Julian

interlocked his fingers with hers to show how much he valued his wife. Then, he introduced to

She still smiled politely and said, “Good day,

it was fine and she only had to act for three months. “This young lady looks unfamiliar. Which family is she from?” Christopher looked at Annalise’s T-shirt and jeans and how she looked bare-faced. He recalled the recent rumors that Julian

for your concern!” Annalise said with a

considered Julian’s face when she came

a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, her outfit really wasn’t cheap.

jeans cost more than 4500 dollars, and the shoes cost more than 3000

of about the same prices. They

that there were also people from wealthy families who did not know what was good for them. They could not tell the

prejudiced in one way or

carry Hermes and people would gossip behind their backs that said Hermes

rich people wore something cheap, no one would doubt that it

a low profile. Now, she was already dressed in a more high-profile

if I may? When did Jadeborough have the Barton family?” Albert looked

seventies, but they were not kind at all. They were very

Barton family? Never

smiled and said, “The Barton

Kent was from, but that her surname

to marry a woman and your grandfather was okay with it?” Albert looked shocked.

plane, right? Why don’t you rest in the ward next door first? I’ll call you when Master Samuel wakes up?” “Alright!” Julian replied. Then, he said to Albert, Christopher, “Go and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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