Chapter 50 Then I’ll’Sleep On The Floor

Gilderoy said in a low voice, “Master, you’re only going to be 80 years old next year.”

Samuel said, “There’s a reason our ancestors celebrate their birthdays early.”

“Alright, I’ll arrange it immediately,” Gilderoy immediately said.

Albert and Christopher looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

They thought that a birthday celebration would be a good thing, as that would mean gift presentations and showcase of talents.

When the time came, they would invite all of Jadeborough’s reporter friends over for a live broadcast. Annalise was neither rich nor talented. She would be a disgrace to Julian.

If Julian lost face, his popularity in Jadeborough would decrease. At that time, if they secretly fanned the flames, some expiring contracts might not be renewed.

Julian was currently the general manager of Parks Group, acting as president.

Half a year ago, the important figures in their family sat down for a meeting. Samuel said that Julian had been the general manager of Parks Group for two years. His performance was for all to see, and Samuel wanted to push Julian directly to the president’s position.

The act faced opposition from the families of Samuel’s brothers. Their reason was that Julian had done well in the first two years because of the good market. Now that the global economy was affected, if he could do well within the year, they would approve Julian and let him be the Parks Group’s president.

They figured that as long as Annalise would bring shame to Julian in Samuel’s banquet, the collaborators would definitely consider carefully whether to renew their contracts. After all, if the wife of a group leader was useless, it meant that the ship could sink at any time.

Albert immediately said, “Yes, Samuel, the birthday banquet should indeed be held this year.”

Christopher added, “That’s right. Our family hasn’t been so lively for a long time. This time, we have to make it a big one.”

Samuel looked at Julian and Alexander. “What do you think?”

Alexander smiled and said, “Grandpa’s 80th birthday celebration should be grand.”

Julian said, “I’ll go with Gilderoy tomorrow to make the arrangements.”

Albert and Christopher immediately said, “We’ll also let Timothy and Jaime come along.”

“Samuel, what day of the week would it

shouted, “Get lost!”

Albert was stunned.

birthday is at 10th of July.

Please don’t hold it against me. Oh, right, I also promised to

also found an excuse

their age, they didn’t care much about food anymore, but they were very obsessed with power and status. They always felt that they didn’t have much life left to live at their age.

the two old men left, Julian and the others soon finished

rushed over early in the morning.

and tried to make

you, grandpa!” Annalise sounded much calmer.

When there were outsiders present, she

to rest.

complex was very big. Alexander lived in a

the house where they were

which meant that Alexander lived

as Madam Blake, all had houses there. However, a few years

to stay, they usually had important

Samuel was going to hold a birthday banquet. The

took Annalise to his suite

bed and handed it to Annalise. “Go take a shower and take a

neatly, Annalise suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

shouldn’t have such emotions, she said, “No need. I brought my clothes.

Julian said that the driver would bring their luggage over.

did not miss the moment of displeasure in Annalise’s eyes. He was suddenly in a good mood and teased her, “The luggage is not

I’ll go take a shower and just wear what I have now,” Annalise said.

“But your clothes went on a

Annalise was speechless.

Wednesday, and Friday, and he would sleep on the bed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. She could not let herself suffer all

It didn’t matter if they enjoyed different benefits. They still had

her clothes were

sleep on the ground in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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