Chapter 53 Annalise’s Ultimate Skill

After Abigail ran away, Julian reached out and took Annalise’s waist. Julian then apologized to her, “I shou have come over quickly.”

Annalise smiled. “It’s fine. I’ve picked my cabbages.”

It was just Abigail. In her eyes, the other girl was just a clown. She did not take Abigial seriously at all. Someone she didn’t care about couldn’t harm her after all.

Julian was there. If he didn’t come, she would rail Abigail with words so hard that the latter would regret being born.

Annalise saw Abigail to be just a cheap slut. It was only a matter of whether Annalise wanted to get serious “Alright, do you want to pick anything else?” Julian squatted down and placed Annalise’s vegetables into thi basket.

“Hmm, I want to pick four or five types of vegetables. Is that too much?” Annalise asked.

Julian smiled. “Not so. Pick whatever you like.”

“Why thank you indeed.” Annalise immediately went to pick the cucumber.

“Be careful, there are thorns. There are also burrs on the vines,” Julian said.

Annalise laughed again. “Have you forgotten that I grew up in the countryside?”

She had been doing farm work like picking vegetables before she was even 10 years old.

Julian said gently, “Focus and be careful.”

Annalise picked cucumbers and eggplants, then she went to pick chili.

He asked Julian, “Do you like spicy food?”

Julian shook his head. “Not really.”

“Then I won’t pick the hard stuff. Let’s go. That’s enough.” Annalise picked a handful of peppers and was very satisfied.

After returning to the villa, Annalise handed the vegetables to the servant. She asked Julian, “Is there a place suitable for burning firewood here?”

Julian raised his eyebrows with interest. “You want to cook with firewood?”

Is there such a place?”

Julian said with a

her all kinds of strange ideas. She

appearance in his world had originally been a coincidence. It had been a split-second decision.

was really gambling back

he felt that she was like a reagent of some sort in his life, adding more color to his black and white, prim

also lightened up noticeably with the colorful

kind that’s a little closed, the kind where no one

that.” Julian thought for

asked again, sounding a

at the national level, was because his medical skills were too good. The

Very few people knew that Joseph’s medical

the Murray’s 49 Needles, and the other was that he knew how to

only recorded in ancient books,

his life, all of whom were famous doctors, scattered all over the country.

last disciple, because she spent the most time around him, and because she was young, she could be considered

pills had more techniques than brewing traditional medicine, which none of her senior brothers and sisters managed to master. He

born with talent in medicine, or perhaps it was because she was young and had a strong ability to accept things. After Joseph taught her a dozen times at the

she refined were better than his own, and had purer medicinal

effective, but it would be more convenient to refine pills and the

expectant face and reached out


a squat-looking house at the

one. There was a hall in the small house and a kitchen at the back. There were rooms on both

it was relatively clean inside. She figured that someone must have cleaned it


the stove.

fire below. After looking around, she felt that the stove was adequate

eat firewood cooking so bad? I’ll get the servants to make it for you.”

brew medicine for your grandpa personally. If you use my method, the effect will be better. It’s just that

“I’ll make sure the environment is absolutely quiet. Just tell me what

Annalise looked around. When she saw a

She looked at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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