Chapter 173 Executing Murray’s 49 Needles

If one doesn’t trust the medical skills of Jonathan and Annalise, don’t bother seeking them to provide treatment.

If they could be trusted, no clowns should stand in their way and make ridiculous remarks.

This concerns saving lives, a matter of life and death. Was this child’s play?

How could they treat the illness and administer acupuncture amidst the ruckus?

Annalise told Julian to tend to his matters when he left in the morning. He had arranged for the chauffeur to send Annalise to the Zeller family’s residence.

He initially thought that with a big shot in the medical world like Jonathan around, Annalise would not be bullied.

Who would have thought things had escalated so quickly just moments before he reached?

Everyone in the Zeller family was useless except for Jason.

Fortunately, he turned the car around at the last minute. Otherwise, something big would have happened today

The more he thought about it, the more upset he felt. He had a dark look on his face.

Annalise didn’t have time to talk to Julian and quickly removed the needles from the old lady.

Once she had removed the needles, she would start administering Murray’s 49 Needles. Seeing that Annalise had removed the needles, Jasper frowned as he watched from afar.

Next, he saw Annalise administering acupuncture again.

Her acupuncture speed was so fast it looked as if it was random.

“Mrs. Parks, is all this random poking going to work?” He could not help but ask.

“Shut up!” Julian shouted.

Jasper was speechless.

After all, he was a famous young master in Jadeborough!

Annalise inserted more than 20 needles in one go.

She was so tired that her forehead was starting to sweat.

Seeing the beads of sweat on Anna’s forehead, Jonathan immediately took a tissue and wanted to wipe it off.

“Let me do it!” Julian immediately took the tissue.

He didn’t want Jonathan to help with such things.

Annalise were pure and was protective of her like

held it, and continued

inserting over 10 needles, she was so tired that her face turned

how tiring it seemed to Annalise, Jasper’s

even going

needles something easy? It’s just inserting a needle gently and twisting it slightly, but why

Could it be?

expression changed drastically.

felt that Annalise’s face was pale from fear. Fear of putting Madam Zeller to death from her inability to treat

to speak when Julian threw him a

you have to say, hold it in!”

Jasper kept quiet.

a grim expression, and his brows furrowed in

silent. Everything could wait until Annalise was

to Madam Zeller, he would pursue matters till the end, regardless of who


lady started vomiting blood again.

out of instinct but forced himself to shut up when he caught Julian’s piercing


lady’s twitching was

the more she curled up into a

body was slowly stretching out as she

palms, which were initially twitching and twisted together, were now back to normal. Slowly, her mouth was no longer

afterwards, her limbs gradually relaxed and

now she could open them

grunted in pain and instead let out a

finally finished administering Murray’s 49 Needles.

was done, her

to help her up when Julian pulled

me to remove the needles 15 minutes later,” Annalise said

to me,” Jonathan

Jasper was shocked.

Senior Brother?

she mean?

Jonathan’s sister from the village? Why did she address him as Senior Brother?

Senior Brother?

called him Senior Brother. Could it be that Annalise

was the case,

out a

including Master Quigley Could it be possible that Annalise learned

that must

go home!” Julian

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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