Chapter 2

Hera felt completely stunned.

All of a sudden, the sound of an approaching aircraft grew louder. Bernard’s backup had arrived.

Hera looked up and saw a helicopter hovering above. The helicopter’s door slid open, and a ladder lowered down. A man dressed in camouflage, similar to Bernard’s attire, descended from above.

Hera swiftly dashed away.

Bernard pushed himself up, his eyes following her disappearing figure. With a pleased grin, he mumbled, “So, you were hiding here. I’ll be back for you.”

At the foot of the mountain, two sleek black BMWs were parked in front of a rundown house. The yard was bustling with curious bystanders.

In the living room, Catherine welcomed the Everetts, who had arrived from the city.

James Everett, Lilith Cresswell, and their daughter, Giselle Everett, who had been mistakenly taken at birth and raised by them, were here.

The three’s impeccable attire clashed sharply with the shabby state of the living room.

Giselle scowled at the worn cup before her, feeling a wave of repulsion. She glanced around the living room, taking in the peeling paint on the walls and the chaotic mess of herbs scattered across the floor.

To make matters worse, there wasn’t even an air conditioner in the house on this scorching summer day. Instead, an old ceiling fan whirred above, its irritating squeak only adding to her discomfort.

The idea that Giselle was part of this rundown family was unbearable to her. She was firmly convinced that she was meant to be an Everett.

Giselle clung to James’ arm, looking upset. “Dad, it’s sweltering in here. Does Hera not want to see me because she thinks I stole her parents?”

“What are you talking about? It wasn’t your fault to be mistakenly taken at birth. Why would she blame you?” James snapped.

to take Hera back to their home. As for Giselle, they had raised her for 17 years and

long?” Giselle seemed even sadder. She turned to Catherine. “Um, could you go find Hera? And ask her

like she was instructing

she observed Giselle’s behavior. She was about to stand up, but James intervened, “It’s fine. Let’s give her five more minutes.

arduous journey, and

was about to speak persuasively, a clear voice was heard speaking

doorway, where a tall, slender young woman stood. Her figure was outlined

with a certain aloofness which hinted that it

with her advanced age, Catherine’s eyes were sharp. She noticed


and reassured her, “Grandma, I’m

looked down at her dress and added, “I

Hera’s dress was dirty

She hadn’t anticipated Hera not even having decent clothes to wear. She made a firm

and said, “Come meet your

James. He wore a suit, had thick hair, and was slightly overweight. Despite being in his late 40s, he looked more like he was in his early

been waiting for over half an hour in the sultry and rundown place, only to be greeted

to offer a greeting. Impatiently, James questioned, “Why did you

tripped while coming down the mountain,” Hera explained, her eyes cast downward. Her long eyelashes

she resembled Lilith and how sorry she seemed,

messy. Come on, let’s get


gently took Hera’s hand, checking for injuries. “Hera, I’m your

expression mirrored that of Hera’s adoptive

fine. Thank

over and attempted to pull Lilith away. “Mom, let’s go.

then turned to Hera

and said goodbye to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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