
Chapter 14

Amid the chaos, Hera traced Demand’s arm until she reached an acupuncture point, LIL. She pressed down hard on it.

Once Bernard’s grip weakened, Hera dashed away quickly. She rested her back against the wall, breathing heavily

Suddenly, there was aloud crash. Holding his head in pain, Bemad punched the wall next to Hera. His fist left a bloody mark on the white surface.

“Bernard!“Douglas rushed forward and rapped his arms around Bernard’s waist, pulling Dernard away from the wall to prevent further injury.

“Get a doctor, now!” Douglas yelled at Hera

Hera took a deep breath, bear gripping her as she watched Bernard’s struggle in agony. She had narrowly avoided being choked by him!

Seving Hera’s hesitation, Douglas shouted urgently, “What are you waiting for? Hurry up. I can’t hold him much longer!”

“Release him. I’ll take care of this.” Hera’s hand dropped to her side with a swift motion, a silver needle appeared between her fingertips.

Douglas was speechless by how calm she sounded.

When Bernard was in the throes of sickness, he’d morph into a wild beast. He would become so unney that even two grown men would struggle to restrain him. So, how could Hera possibly handle him?

As Douglas silently muttered, he suddenly received an elbow from Beard. Donglas granted as he was forcefully shoved away, crashing onto the ground.

In the grip of his illness, Bernard looked like a crazed beast ready to pounce on anything insight

remained calm and unbethered. She aimed her silver needle

he slumped weakly toward Hera.

amazed to see that Hera possessed

Later, h

bring Beard under control with just one needle? Even two burly men couldn’t manage to restrain


to find Hera above him. She had a pretty face with captivating eyes, though a hint of coldness lingered in her

were gently saying his temples, rasing away his discomfort. It had been ages

the feeling. He closed his eyes

act Her cold voice echoed from

to his bedside. “Bernard, are

He pushed himelt up

was startled by Bernard’s sudden outburst. Het hurt and confused by Beard’s harsh words, with

left the infirmary

Hera remained silent.

locked onto his bandaged hand, Lost in thought, he seemed

better, I’ll head out,” Hera said

but Douglas had insisted

up, inspecially si

who had

do you really think they’ll let you got they findout

lifted his

Hera’s Figure Without the barrier of his gold–rimmed

abruptly, memories of the dreadful events of that year flooding back. The biter conflicts among the Killian siblings Bed to Lucius‘ wrong imprisonment and Daphne’s

of “the means my siblings use” appeared to separate himself from

you’re Bernard? Hera spun around as if she had just identified them before her. Yet, herexpression stayed cold

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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