
Chapter 115

Queenie’s secretary said, “105 billion might sound like the price tag for a few items. Over a dozen treasures were auctioned off tonight.

“Based on the price algorithm, the total price of the items successfully auctioned added up to 1.05 billion. There were five groups who won the bids, but the bidder’s information couldn’t be traced. So, we can’t rule out the possibly further.”

The algorithm seemed too complex for Queenie to attribute it to a hidder.

If it wasn’t a bidder, then the most likely scenario remaining was that the receiving account belonged to Astral Nova, and Raven was associated with them

At that moment, a message popped up on her WhatsApp. She immediately opened it.

Raven replied, “Payment received. Mission accomplished.

Following the message was an image file

Queenie clicked on the attached image. It was a screenshot showing Raven’s response to a task on Cyber Web.

“Mission accomplished.”

believe that all that effort and anticipation was all for them to receive

you completed all the requests I sent you? You’re asking for 1.05 billion

rattled off a bunch of words in her text. As expected, there was no response from the

it made one suspect they were dealing with an

Queenie’s dark expression, the secretary asked weakly, “Mrs. Gaskell, do

she was dealing

she h had really been cheated. But even if she reported it

Queenie’s reputation as a savvy person would be ruined if this got out So, her intention of reporting

call, and whatever was said on the other end of the

“Really? Okay, okay.”

phone and immediately turned to Queenie.

firewall system have all ceased their



secretary nodded firmly.

activity suddenly stopped during their efforts to intercept the attacks. Now, they’re focused on

message popped up

complete. Transaction completed.”

the inspection stunned queenie. Mere minutes had passed, and it was already

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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