
Chapter 123

Hera followed the young boy to the door of the school clinic, where the sounds of a boy’s sobs and a woman’s sharp scolding could be heard from inside.

“What’s going on? It’s been almost an hour, Why haven’t his parents arrived yet? Some parents just don’t care about their children,” Eugene Ergol’s mother, Yana Harrington, exclaimed angrily.

“Mrs. Ergol, please calm down. Mr. Everett is stuck in traffic,” Violet Woodwick, Gino’s homeroom teacher, tried to pacify her.

“When I care, there wasn’t any traffic. It’s just an excuse. I’m convinced he’s intentionally avoiding responsibility,” Yana retorted angrily,

“This brat injured my son. If I don’t get an explanation today, I’ll sue you all for negligence!”

Upon hearing this, Eugene’s homeroom teacher, Quincey Ballard, became anxious and urged, “Ms. Woodwick, are you sure he’s really on his way? Maybe you should call him again to hurry him up.”

At that moment, the door was knocked and then pushed slightly open Hera walked in.

Her gaze swept coldly across the room, where Gino stood by the window like a punished student. His school uniform was dirty and torn, and though his face was bruised and swollen, he stubbornly held his head high as he looked out the window.

from Gino was Eugene, who appeared rather chubby. He looked to weigh around 95 pounds based on a visual estimate. His skin was dark, his face

Yana, the school doctor, and teachers surrounded

though beaten,

it sound like your son was beaten to death,”

Gino immediately humed around and looked at Hera with a puzzled expression.

talking back to? Have you no manners? Yana

with oversized gold earrings and chains around her neck, she coaded a nouveau riche

lett and right, yet you’re lecturing me about manners?‘ Hera retorted.

was momentarily speechless


sister,” Hera replied, motioning for Gino to

“Come here.”

simple words, Gino was stunned. He

already standing in front of her

I remember the Everett family went bankrupt, but no one died, right? That cowardly James doesn’t dare to show himself, so he sends his country bumpkin daughter

Yana said sarcastically.

bankruptcy was widespread across Norburgh. Yana had even rejoiced for days, as it meant one less business competitor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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