

Seeing Bernard requesting a kiss with his eyes closed, Hera couldn’t help but wonder if he truly saw himself as a sleeping prince. Her cold expression softened slightly with a hint

of joy.

With Bernard’s condition finally stabilized, Hera could now find solace in a peaceful rest. Despite taking a brief nap after completing the surgery, she found herself plagued by dreams of Bernard in the operating room, disturbing her sleep

“Your brain isn’t fried, is it?”

Hera touched Bernard’s forehead with the back of her hand, confirming that his temperature had returned to normal.

Sensing her hand on his forehead with his eyes closed, Bernard suddenly felt her presence drawing near, catching a whiff of her faint fragrance. Then, he felt a gentle touch of soft, warm lips lightly pressing against his forehead,

Bernard promptly opened his eyes, only to see Hera turning around and calmly heading toward the door. He couldn’t help but wonder if that kiss was merely a figment of his imagination

“Where are you going?!

He let out a loud groan.

He propped himself up, accidentally aggravating his wound and causing a sharp pain that nearly made him faint.

pushed him back onto the bed.

the rest

replied with a

blush on her race,

you smiling at

his smile.

just flirt and run off Eke that. You’ve

uniform, which she had been wearing for two days

more deeply as she remembered the impulsive kiss she had

“Professor Killian, I’m leaving because you didn’t trust my

evident in his decision not to inform her about his Injuries. It sulted her fine since she didn’t fully trust him either. Ultimately, their relationship was

I’m going to check on it. Take careful of


her depart, the pain in his leg suddenly intensified

from her because he didn’t want to worry her, not because he doubted

and Aaron

to Hera? She seems a

told her?” Bernard

the consommé and medicine on the table, then

his hand and admitted, “Youre was at risk. I was worried you wouldn’t make it, so I brought her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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