
Chapter 144


The speech contest began promptly at 2:00 pm. The auditorium was packed with students, while six teachers sat as judges in the front row.

Lily, the first contestant to take the stage, seemed particularly nervous. Despite the chilly early November weather in Norburgh, she stood on the stage in a sky–blue strapless dress, facing the vast audience.

Her voice quivered uncontrollably, perhaps due to the cold or her nerves, prompting laughter from her peers.

However, being a member of Class A for two consecutive years, Lily possessed a solid grasp of Terranish, though her pronunciation wasn’t flawless

Despite some stumbling due to her anxiety, she managed to complete her speech. The judges awarded her a score of 80, given that she was the Inaugural contestant

of winning the Belle title were slim, Lily found some comfort in her score

she watched the contest unfold from the backstage prep room, her expression darkened as

in his impeccably tailored black suit and

the top student in the school, Christopher had put considerable effort into improving his Terranish over the years, aided by his frequent travels to Terrania, resulting in his clear and

with natural poised and emotional depth, Christopher captivated the audience with his clear and readily

score he received is… 95 Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the highest score we’ve seen today!” the host announced

cheering for Christopher to be crowned as the hunk of the

confident about surpassing Christopher’s score. While

hallway, still no sign

creamy feathered dress, Ondy walked onto the stage gracefully, her fair skin radiant

the stage, she greeted him with a blush, “Congratulations on the

next two contestants. “Christopher hurried past her,

slighted by Christopher’s oversight, Cindy took a deep breath, reassuring herself that the

the stage, the male students in the audience showered her with whistles. As a member of Class

end, her graceful performance and well–written speech won her a 95 score

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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