
Chapter 169

Bernard retorted, “What does that have to do with you?”

Christopher set at

classes at all

this desk in the classroom. His mind was plagued with Bernard’s answer, which had been reverberating throughout the morning. He wasn’t in the mood for

The moment the lunch bell rang, Christopher packed up his stuff immediately. He needed to track Hera down just so he could talk to her.

Zyler called out to Christopher at that moment.

“Why don’t we have lunch together, Christopher? I’d like to talk to you about something”

“What do you want to talk about?” Christopher replied flatly,

Zyler felt quite miffed upon hearing Christopher’s cold tone. He found himself resenting Hera even more atter that.

fit weren’t for her, things between him and Christopher wouldn’t have gotten this tense.

a private room in the imperial Hotel Why don’t

were too many people at school, making it difficult for Zyler to batmouth Hera in

longer friends now, so there’s nothing to talk about 1hree to deal

after saying

at Christopher’s receding figure, his fists tightlyclenched.

was her turn on the duty roster that day. There, she received a phone call from an academy admin, who requested that she

need other than the century–old gurdroot. The package

so far. The first one has existed for 218 years. It currently serves as a relic in the National Auditorium of Jadonia.I can’t buy it at

have my subordinates look for another

You don’t have to look

bght on money lately, so I need you to start taking jobs for me

“You? Poor? Boss, didn’t you just earn a whopping one billion dollars from the

‘T’ve already spent it all”

you spend

“I just so happens that a few clients want to seek you out for their dealings. I’ll filter them out for you before sending

to another altemate account she rarely used. Her nickname on

she recalled the second condition out of the three conditions the grandmaster wanted her to accept in the past. He wanted to be able to contact her at all times. Hence, Hera began typing up a

What should I do in order to trade for it? Hera wasn’t in a hurry to receive the grandmaster’s reply. After she

Astral Nova’s collection is

of Astral Now: “That is,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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