
Chapter 177

Brandon relaxed visibly upon hearing Queenie’s words. He accepted the check giddily afterward.

Someone knocked on the door at that moment. A police officer opened the door and informed, “Deputy Chief Hobbs, we’ve brought the suspect to the station. She’s currently in Interogation Room 3”

“Out” Brandon rose to see

Meanwhile, Hera satin Interrogation Room 3 while thinking if she had committed assault and battery on someone recently. Then, she saw Brandon and queen walking into the room, followed by a police officer who was in charge of taking her statement.

*Do you know what crime you’ve committed?” Brandon thundered while maintaining a stoic façade after taking a seat across from Hera.

Suspects who were typically cowardly or guilt–ridden would be overcome with so much fear that they’d give up all the details the moment they saw Brandon’s stole face.

But Hera remained calm and composed she parted her lips long enough to spit out a few words,

“Why don’t you tell me?

Queenie was displeased at Hera’s calm attitude. To her, Hera was just a country bumpkin. She had no one to help her out, so by right, she shouldn’t be calm at all. Brandon didn’t expect to see such a young girl looking so composed despite being in the police station. She didn’t look frightened in the slightest, either

He slammed a hand onto the desk heavily. “She doesn’t look remorseful at all! Are her parents notified about this arrest?”

be here soon,” the police

knocked on the door at that moment. The officer went to get the door

he same Queenie. A frown appeared on his face when he

older brother.

Gideon’s voice, Hera whipped around to look at

her a comforting glance. “Don’t

didn’t respond to Gideon at

was, she wasn’t scared in the slightest, Bur Gideon’s words made her feel warm and

other hand, Queenie didn’t expect to see Gideon in the station. She thought

thanks to Gideon that the Everetts didn’t become homeless after

done, Brandon said sternly while rapping his knuckles on the desk

explaining, “During the after–school hours yesterday, Hera Youngworth assaulted Zyler Gaskell in the corridor outside the mailroom of Cavenridge International Academy. This resulted

into carrying her parcel for her. He ended up

be placed multiple documents on the table. This included pictures of Zyler’s injured fingers, which were set up in their respective casts, as well as the doctor’s letter to prove the

speak! He has yet to regain his voice! You can

of her chest. She was very

dispute in private is a no–go this time! The legal route is the only way to settle this case!” Brandon added while tapping on the photos.

berate Hera for what she had allegedly done. It was clear that

chose to ask Hera that question first instead of

wasn’t the type to hurt others without a valid

on the inside. Still, she wondered if he’d be


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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