
Chapter 215

The thugs turned, finding a tall, handsome man with a phone at the alley’s entrance.

Amelia looked up, recognizing Gideon with a start. She quickly lowered her head again. The shame of being seen in such a vulnerable state by him was almost unbearable.

“This doesn’t concem you, kid.” The lead thug growled.

Gideon raised his phone, his expression cold. “The police will be here in five minutes. If you don’t want to

to get caught, I suggest you leave.”

The thugs exchanged glances, and one whispered to the leader, “He’s the eldest son of the Everett family.” Realizing who they were dealing with, the leader spat at Amelia and snarled, “You got lucky this time. Don’t let me see you again! Let’s go.” With that, he and his men disappeared into the night.

Oldeon approached and saw Amelia on the ground, disheveled and distraught.

away as she was afraid he would offer help. She quickly stood, clutching herself and shivering

Gideon to see her face. Ever since the Gaskell and Everett families‘ falling out, they had become

only reason he helped, she couldn’t bear the thought of him

family fallen this far?”

Had he known who she was all along? Was he

made her fists clench. Just as she was about to respond, a grey cashmere

only to see Gideon’s tall figure receding into the night.

warmth of his body and the faint scent of his cologne. A complex

the karaoke room where Hera and her friends were. Seeing Kerry, who was

students” guardians pick them up, Hera would likely have gone home alone. The realization brought a wave of emotion, nearly bringing him.

to tears.

rest,” he told Kerry. After getting Hera

Their breath formed mist, and ice crystals lined the

a cashmere sweater, Hera asked, “Gideon, why

of warmth,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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