Chapter 248

Hera skillfully turned the car around and drove toward her destination. She held the steering wheel with one hand and the walkie–talkie in the other. “I’ll take the exam next year,”

“Holy shit Are you driving without a license? Stop right now! I’ll take you there!” Nathan couldn’t help but curse.

Hera listened to the rustling footsteps coming from the walkie–talkie and said, “I’ve driven a tractor in the village before. It’s simple.”


Nathan subconsciously imagined Hera driving a tractor. The scene was so weird that he couldn’t continue imagining it

“Is a tractor anything like a car? Stop messing around! If my colleagues findout, they’Escold me to death!”

Hera thought he was stubbor

She stepped on the accelerator and tumed a comer. “It’s okay. We’re in the countryside. There’s no one on the road. Just treat it like I’m practicing driving in advance. Nobody will know if we keep it a secret!”

forgotten about me? I’ve heard your secret.” Right then, Stephen’s voice came from the wall–tallic

instantly went silent.

had already reached the destination.

his control, so he could only remind her,

You’re a

was rendered speechless when he

car’s headlights at a specific location. Then, she brought a flashlight

her destination. She had a clear conscience, so she

tree, she noticed that the grass had been trampled. The area that had been trampled appeared to have been done by more than one person. Logically speaking,

reached the fourth tree, the soil around

used the shovel to dig along

the sound of soll being shoveled. After digging for ten minutes, Hera didn’t see the box Isabella

She wondered if someone arrived before her.

Isabella’s email sent to her alone? Or had the

branches being trodden from behind. It appeared that someone was approaching

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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