Chapter 260

Nathan was consumed with guilt. If only he had intervened sooner with Hera, perhaps she wouldn’t have been kidnapped or fled deeper into the mountains.

The thought of such a vibrant soul suffering because of his mistake weighed heavily on him.

Bernard shot him a glance before turning to Aaron.

“Angle the lights down and send two men to check it out,” he ordered brisky,

As he spoke, a chorus of wolf howls echoed nearby, accompanied by faint sounds of combat.

Bernard’s gaze darted beyond the cave’s entrance toward the source of the commotion.

Asudden realization gripped Bernard, and he declared abruptly, “I’ll go check it out.”

With that, be swiftly bypassed the cme and sprinted toward the noise.

“I’m coming too. You guys stay here,” Aaron shouted as he chased after Bernard.

Nathan and Stephen exchanged glances and quickly followed, leaving behind a group of bewildered special forces in uniform.

As they approached, the sounds of combat and woll cries intensified, mingling with the metallic tang of blood in the

suit and polished shoes, Bernard moved swiftly and reached the scene first. However, what he saw before him made him

up just in time, narrowly avoiding a collision as Nathan

“What’s going on?

to regain his balance after falling

the fierce battle had ended, leaving only the Engering

obscured the moon, and the night wind rustled through the leaves as a figure stood among the trees. The air was heavy with the scent

his flashlight at the figure. The figure had disheveled hair, torn clothes, and multiple

a dagger whose tip gleamed ominously under the light, stained crimson. Surrounding her were a pack of wolves that collapsed on the

how Hera

prowess. Yet there she stood alone, victorious over

wolves? They’re

he could have

Stephen thought, “Can

torn between concern for Hera and the wolves lying

he watched Hera, who

had snapped and unleashed violence without hesitation,


alright? Stephen called out.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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