190 The truth of her birth IV Miriam The morning I left ; the temple was quiet .

Everyone was still sleeping in their chambers from the chilliness of the early morning .

I didnt take anything .

I wanted no reminder of this place .

I stepped out into the cool dawn air , and paused , glancing back at the temple that had been my home for so long .

But now , I was leaving .

Shaking my head , to fight the nostalgia , I turned away and started walking down the path that led to the home of the midwife .

For the first time in three months , I felt relief .

I was going to start afresh , a life where I would no longer be just a priestess who had given up her child , but a mother searching for a way to heal my shattered heart .

It took me about an hour to arrive at the Midwifes house .

When I reached it , I paused at the gate , listening for sound .

I must have stood there for about ten minutes when I heard the piercing cry of a baby .

I paused , listening .

One of the doors to the room opened and the husband of the midwife emerged and crossed over to the other side of the house .

A moment later , the midwife and her husband came from the other side of the house carrying a baby .

The midwife passed the baby to her husband who was playing with her , nuzzling her with his mouth .

I stood frozen where I was hidden as I watched them .

That was my baby .

Her brown curls curled around her hair like carpet .

She was cooing , laughing at the funny noise the midwifes husband was making .

They didnt give the baby away ? I wondered silently , watching them .

After staying there for a while , I summoned courage and walked into the compound .

As soon as the midwife and her husband saw me , a small smile settled on their lips as if they had been expecting me .

You dont look surprised ? I asked .

The midwife laughed .

I knew you were going to come back .

All the women always came back for their babies and I kept her for you .

Do you want to hold her ? her husband asked gently .

My eyes misted with tears .

Can I ? C 190 The truth of her birth V He nodded and brought the baby to me .

Lyla turned , staring at me with baby curiosity .

I gently took her from the man , and a tear rolled down my cheek .

She placed her head on my shoulder , cooing faintly .

At that moment , it felt as if my heart would burst with warmth .

Every sadness that had taken me hostage seeped out as I held her .

my eyes savouring the warmth

? the midwife

eyes flew open with fear as

stay there

with the baby and I dont want to ever

She nodded .

they notice youre not at the temple , here would be

have to go

to go to , I inhaled shakily

stay here but I had no idea how to go

outside the temple ? Youre too inexperienced to get a job , the husband of the

who will care for the baby ? How about the father ? Not an option , I shook my head

doesnt want us

get a Poultry Keeper for him for that pack ?

a roof over their head and the

husband thought for a moment and then shook his head

too much strain


newly married a year and some months precisely and

is good luck , who knows , their

nodded and turned

is special , Miriam

us , weve had such a turn in everything and we know

, go with my

thanked her and followed the

pack and went

arrived at the Alphas house , we were ushered in and asked to wait

sitting room , she

babys voice was echoing , I decided

I stepped out , I heard a voice , instructing

taller and his blue eyes … the same ones that had attracted

they were now open , staring at me with

up the stairs

here ? Jeremy ! I

and was staring at him with baby curiosity too

Longest time .

too ,

? I dont recall if theres any ceremony being

paused , his eyes running my entire length

Beautiful as always .

Thank you .

look half as

Beta ? Yes ! he nodded

? he asked for the

you came to look for me ?

I shook my head

was coming

came for work

? he asked again , staring at

story , Jeremy but maybe one of these days we will catch up

were still furrowed in

in my

baby is this ? he asked

looking for the best way to explain myself

the truth

child , I murmured meeting his

me for a few

child ? How is it even possible

Sigma wolf ,

anyone , let alone have

you told me the last time before you ghosted me ? I


was I supposed to do ? The door behind us opened and the midwifes husband called out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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