Jiang Yang was the name of Qiu Mu-Hong’s husband. To be honest, he’s just a talented student at school, without any remarkable achievements to his name.

After all, he’s still in his early twenties. What could he possibly achieve at that age? Jiang Yang’s father, however, was remarkable and held high office within Yunzhou city. Previously, when the Qiu Corporation ran into difficulties, it was his father who lent them a helping hand a number of times. Therefore, the entire Qiu family was willing to toady up to Jiang Yang.

“Ye Fan, what are you blanking out for? Come help me move these things. Are you blind?” Qiu Mu-Ying turned around to scream at Ye Fan. She had utterly no respect for her brother-in-law.

Ye Fan kept his peace and took on the role of mover in silence. Han Li and her husband looked on grimly. Ye Fan was also a son-in-law of the Qiu family and Mu-Ying’s elder. But now, he was being ordered around by his junior. It was a great loss of face for them. They mentally scolded him for being a useless piece of trash and an easy pushover.

Qiu Mu-Cheng, on the other hand, was biting her lip in anger. She knew. She understood that Ye Fan was doing this to protect her last remaining shred of dignity. Now, he’s the only one being shamed. But if he resisted, their whole family would be shamed.

“Be careful, don’t break it.”

“That’s a bottle of Maotai. It costs more than a thousand. You can’t afford to break it.” Both Mu-Hong and her husband also held him in scorn. And Jiang Yang started issuing instructions to his brother-in-law because he’s afraid that Ye Fan might break the gifts.

In this society, a penniless and powerless son-in-law gets no respect from anyone.

After the arrival of Qiu Mu-Hong’s family, their relatives crowded around fawningly. Later, they were escorted into the hall by Wang Qiao-Yu and Qiu Mu-Ying.

“Hong-Hong, rest on the sofa with Yang-Yang and your parents. Once everyone has arrived, we will set off for the hotel.”

“If you need anything, let me know. Don’t stand on ceremony with your aunt. We are one family.” Both Wang Qiao-Yu and Qiu Mu-Hong behaved warmly towards their guests. And Wang Qiao-Yu kept holding Jiang Yang’s hand, as if he’s her son-in-law.


“There are no seats left?”

When they arrived at the hall, they found that there were no seats available.

“Auntie and Ying-Ying, there’s no need to trouble yourselves. I will just stand around with Hong. We are leaving for the hotel soon anyway.” Jiang Yang said politely.

“No way.”

“You are an honored guest. How could we let you stand?” Wang Qiao-Yu rejected the proposal right away. After looking round the hall, her gaze landed on Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family. At this moment, Ye Fan had already finished moving the gifts and was about to take a seat himself.

“Hey you, Mu-Cheng. Your family has already sat long enough. Why don’t you give up your seats? Hong and Yang-Yang have just arrived and they need to rest.” Wang Qiao-Yu informed Mu-Cheng promptly.

And her daughter, Mu-Ying, simply pulled Ye Fan out of his seat without a word.

Although they were unwilling, they couldn’t do anything since the host had already made her intention clear. Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family could only give up their seats to Qiu Mu-Hong and her family.

And so, in the large hall of the Qiu’s family house, only Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family remained on their feet. Everyone else was seated and chatting among themselves.

Since Han Li and company felt embarrassed, they decided to wait outside the hall instead.

“They are looking down on us. Everyone else had a seat. Why were we the only ones forced to give up our seats?”

“They are out to embarrass us!” Out in the courtyard, Han Li could no longer stomach the humiliation and howled in anger.

Mu-Cheng’s father sighed quietly.

Ye Fan bowed his head, his face expressionless.

“It’s all your fault, you trash. You’ve shamed all of us.”

“Go look at Jiang Yang and then look at yourself!”

“Why is my life so difficult? My husband is useless and my son-in-law is a piece of trash!” Han Li was once again venting her frustration on Ye Fan.


“You think we haven’t been embarrassed enough?” Qiu Mu-Cheng had finally snapped.

“Yes, Ye Fan is indeed worthless. He’s a piece of trash. But, mom. Why don’t you ask yourself. Ask my father and ask me. Are we not worthless too? If there’s even one capable person among us, would they have humiliated us today?”

Qiu Mu-Cheng was screaming in a guttural tone and trying her best not to choke on her words. She even clenched her teeth to prevent herself from crying. Ye Fan could see that. After suffering through three years of humiliation, this proud and independent woman finally broke down and cried.

With tears streaming down her face, Mu-Cheng ran out of the hall and away from the Qiu’s family house.

“Look at your daughter. Not only did she marry a piece of trash and shame our family, and now she has the nerve to yell at us?”

was still complaining. But while the couple was unaware, Ye Fan

streaming down her face. She looked as if she’s trying to let out all

her and stretched

Fan paused for a moment and continued. “Let’s get a divorce. I am not worthy of you.


rang out as Qiu Mu-Cheng’s

her teeth clenched and screamed in a tear-choked voice. “Ye Fan, why? Why can’t you be

not to touch me and you didn’t. My parents abused you and you didn’t even retaliate. My relatives humiliated you and you just kept quiet. Why are you so useless? Why can’t you be more like a man and teach those bastards who humiliated us a lesson?

others to mock me. I want the people who have humiliated us to regret what

“wu wu wu~”


his wife. But look at her now. The formerly strong

I really, really don’t want to keep living a sad

poured forth like rain. At that moment,

Ye Fan was stunned.

so many years since they had known each other and

of useless garbage to Qiu Mu-Cheng. But now, he knew that Qiu Mu-Cheng had always considered him to be her husband, a man who could shelter her and

I’m sorry for being useless

From now onwards, nobody will be

form across the moat and

Fan clenched his hand tightly as he made an unbreakable vow to Qiu

Ye Fan made a

arrange a meeting. I will go

of the line, the old man reeled in surprise for moment. And then, unable to suppress the joy

I will go make the arrangements right away. You stay there and we will send

quite a state of excitement. A car was dispatched immediately, for fear of Ye Fan changing his

man, he was so agitated that his eyes

returned to the Qiu’s family house

in the future. And she would become an object of criticism. It’s just that, Ye Fan was no

think wa havan’t baan ambarrassad anough?” Qiu Mu-Chang had

worthlass. Ha’s a piaca of trash. But, mom. Why don’t you ask yoursalf. Ask my fathar and ask ma. Ara wa not worthlass too? If thara’s avan ona capabla parson among

Mu-Chang was scraaming in a guttural tona and trying har bast not to choka on har words. Sha avan clanchad har taath to pravant harsalf from crying. Ya Fan could saa that. Aftar suffaring through thraa yaars of humiliation,

faca, Mu-Chang ran out of tha hall and away from

did sha marry a piaca of trash and shama our family,

complaining. But whila tha coupla was unawara, Ya Fan had alraady laft

moat, with taars straaming down har faca. Sha lookad as if sha’s trying to lat out all tha griavanca sha had baan anduring for tha past

suddanly appaarad basida har and stratchad out his hand to wipa away har

suffarad bacausa of ma.” Ya Fan pausad for a momant and


out as Qiu Mu-Chang’s slap landad on Ya

at him with har taath clanchad and scraamad in a taar-chokad voica. “Ya Fan,

and you didn’t avan rataliata. My ralativas humiliatad you and you just kapt quiat.

mock ma. I want tha paopla who hava humiliatad us to ragrat what

“wu wu wu~”

Mu-Chang continuad

words Ya Fan would usa to dascriba his wifa. But look at har now.

don’t want to

forth lika rain. At that momant, sha lookad as waak and halplass

Ya Fan was stunnad.

had known aach othar and this was tha first tima Qiu Mu-Chang talkad to

Qiu Mu-Chang. But now, ha knaw that Qiu Mu-Chang had always considarad

for baing usalass all thasa

I promisa. From now onwards, nobody will ba abla

causing ripplas to form across tha moat

his hand tightly as ha mada an

Ya Fan

I will go

surprisa for momant. And than, unabla to supprass tha joy in his haart, ha askad axcitadly: “Young

I will go maka tha arrangamants right away. You stay thara

axcitamant. A car was dispatchad immadiataly, for faar

naws raachad tha middla-agad man, ha was so agitatad that his ayas graw taary. “It’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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