Chapter 24 – The Family

“In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.“–Friedrich Nietzsche

Third Person

Halima felt a burning sensation on her chest, right above her heart. The sensations outlined something, but she couldn’t tell what it was. It was only then when her eyes maneuvered to the slightly exposed chests of the women on stage does, she realizes what was happening.

She gained her new Pack Mark. The eye of a wolf blending with an upright crescent moon.

The sensation subsided, and the cuts sealed on both palms, leaving behind no more than a small scar. Beaming with pride, Alpha Anthony placed his hands on Halima’s bare shoulders and squeezed. “Congratulations, and welcome to our family.”

Squealing with pure excitement, Halima leaped and hugged Anthony as tight as she could. Tears spilled from her eyes like waterfalls, her words of gratitude repeating in his ear like a broken record player. It wasn’t long until the others joined in on the hug, recognizing how this was the first step of Halima regaining the happiness she had lost long ago. The pack members, unable to withhold their applause, broke out into cheers. Their family got a little bigger and the night richer.

Everyone had an enjoyable time during the Great Feast. Everyone ate to their fill and mingled with one. another. Halima still was eating light foods such as salad and pasta but was slowly progressing to heavier foods like meat and rice. The broken bond with Zircon Moon faded forever, never to return.

Her life ended at Zircon Moon, but her new life’s beginning was with Garnet Moon.

Fire licked the black sky, and laughter decimated the silence of the redwood forest. The bonfire was up and running, celebrations preparing to last deep into the night. To Garnet Moon, fire was symbolic of purification, rebirth, and hope. Many members tossed things into the fire that they wanted to release. It could be items they held onto but couldn’t any longer, breaking ties with toxic loved ones, or wanting to start anew. Music played loudly, and many folks danced with their mates while children danced around the fire.

“Hey Hall, are you coming?” Jackie spoke through her newly acquired mind–link.

“I’ll be there in a minute!”

Halima was in her room, admiring the pack mark above her left breast. She was officially a Garnet Moon Pack Member, and she couldn’t be happier. Weight rolled off her shoulders the moment she was bound to her new family, the old one shriveling up and dying in the abyss of darkness. Artemis howled in delight with her new family, feeling like a full wolf already.

“Now, there is just one more thing to do.” She spoke to herself. Rummaging through her closet, she pulled her. old dress from the plastic bag. The slave dress. The only item of clothing she wore and brought here from the excrement she called her old pack. Halima wanted to get rid of it meaningfully, to make sure no one casts their eyes upon such a disastrous piece of cloth again.

And tonight, she had the answer on how she would do that.

24 – The Family

Twins. Her raggedy dress rested in her lap. Her eyes scanned the little party, watching everyone

run in the forest,” Jackie smirked, waggling her eyebrows. “Their

I better not hear one howl from them for this entire night!” Dwayne complained, drinking from

old life. I want to destroy this thing with no one having the chance to dig it up again.” Her brown eyes look to the full moon casting its glow upon

face in its ethereal orange light, reflecting itself in her dark eyes. With a single toss, Halima threw her dress into the fire. She watched the fire eat away at the dirty fabric, charring from filthy white to black. The scent tickled her nose. This simple act was symbolic of her chains, and her chains were and would forever be broken. Her eyes

she’s free.” She whispered into the

at her bare arms.

would she ever kneel. Never again would she be forced into servitude.

happy. She was

She was liberated.

Week Later

Life was good.

and Dr. Johnson, they’ve decided that it was safe for me to shift. I couldn’t wait until I could finally let

Anthony’s office after he requested my presence via mind–link. I wondered what he wanted. From the tone of his voice, it sounded

see the entire Guerrero family sitting around the desk. Huh. What could

a seat in the chair that directly situates me in the middle of the Guerrero semi- circle. “Would anyone mind telling me what’s going on? Did I do something wrong?”

quickly, her lips straining to hide a smile.

24 – The Famdy

my head to the side.

folder. “Please, look inside and let us know what you

had my picture, birthdate, height, weight, and so on. There were several more papers clipped to my file, and I flipped through them. But when I got to one particular sheet, my


“Report of Adoption‘

Guerrero Family, who all were staring at me with anticipation. They wanted me to say something, but I lost my words. Do they want to adopt me? They really want me to be

“But we’ve been planning this for a while. We know about your story and are saddened to hear that you never got

to be a part of ours. You’ll be our daughter and Anthony and Lyria’s baby sister. You are already a part of Garnet Moon, and we thought we’d help make that extra step to bring you closer to

sister,” Lyria spoke up, excited. “There is so much

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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