Unhinged – Prologue

(Author’s Note: Unhinged, Book 2 of the Moonlight Avatar Series contains details of the following subjects: abuse, trauma, violence, sexual assault, recovery from trauma, and intense emotional relapse. This book and series is not suitable for all readers. While the subject of the supernatural, werewolves, and magic is the focal point of the story, the series will follow the effects of trauma and abandonment associated with the main female lead. If you are easily triggered by any of the mentioned subjects, do not read ahead for your mental health. This is your only warning. Read at your own risk.)


Murky clouds hide the cerulean sky as heavy rain douses the russet earth. Mother Nature, unable to handle the endless demand of water, surrendered from the onslaught with puddles of mud drifting through the blades of grass. Humans would call this a depressing day; the sun hides, children’s laughter is nonexistent, and many shelters themselves from the unforgiving precipitation. To combat an emotionless day, they hole themselves up inside the cozy abodes that bathe them in soothing heat.

A heavy sigh holding the weight of the world escapes my plump lips in a puff. The colorless whips melt into the darkened, eerie atmosphere around my form. Separated from the warmth of the blanket, I force my upper body to make comfort with the chill of the rainy day, demanding the death of the summer heat.

‘Why am I awake?” I ask myself. Typically, I sleep through days like these. The pitter–patter of rain serves as calming music that lulled my fervid mind into a deep slumber. It pulls me from my maddening reality and tucks me into a world of serenity and safety. No one can harm me or bother me. But that’s not the case. Today, my mind overrides the calming presence of the battering rain against my window.

Kicking the covers o off my feet, I walk to my private bathroom. My ears falled to pick up movement from the pack house. I heard not even the clanking of pots and pans from the Omegas in the kitchen. It’s as if I’m alone in this four–story house. Uncertainly rolls within me like the vicious waves of a tsunami. Amongst its violence, fear plants its cataclysmic seeds in the soll of my mind.

I shouldn’t be afraid. There’s no reason to be. But I am.

Flicking up the light switch, I walk towards the sink. Fluorescent lighting made the clean, colorless tiles shimmer until my shadow blocked their blessings. In the bathroom mirror, my reflection stares back at me, expressionless. Nothing is out of place. Melanin skin is still the same, my hair is slightly messy fro


and the rest of my features hold no flaws. The sound of running water resounded through the lavatory ambiance, surrounding the sink plug in a small, rapidly draining pool.

I didn’t open the faucet. How could have it done that on its own?

Without thinking much of it, I shut it off. Before I can look at my reflection again, the pristine white sink welcomed droplets of red.




The crimson precipitation increased in speed, drops doubling. Startled, my head shot up at the mirror to see the



side of my mouth bleeding. Not of external injury, but as if I bit the inside of my cheek hard. Droplets quickly turned to rivers as both sides of my mouth began spilling blood into the sink. It flowed faster than the faucet as the vile taste of metallic cloaked my senses in a haze of terror.

But it wasn’t the only thing that’s red.

My eyes, once beautiful coffee brown, flashed to a sharp vermillion red. And then blackness began tracking the nerves of my neck and chest, coming from the crook of my neck, where my neck and shoulder met. Curling and crawling as if it’s alive!

Screaming, I fell backward into the door, unable to comprehend the horrific appearance my reflection is taking. Only to know that it’s not just my reflection. It’s me! Lifting my hands, I watch as black swam through my arms to my fingertips, mapping every internal vein and artery anatomically possible. If that wasn’t bad enough, pain skyrocketed through my body as the transformation took place.

convulsed. Writhed. Quaked under the blinding power of unknown agony. It’s more than I could handle! I have

A deep, malignant voice echoed around me in surround–sound. Black smoke billowed in, blocking the light from the fluorescent lightbulbs, drenching the room in metal–colored horror. It encircles me, caresses me, and chokes me. The smoke took the forms of hands, rubbing

alone!” I screamed, waving my hands madly to dissipate the smoke. It hurts. Everything hurts so much! Blood continued to flow, staining my blue nightgown in gargantuan splotches. Weakly, I crawled toward the sink, holding onto the rim for support. Lifting myself, albeit slowly, I finally soaked in the

of fear I feel at this moment is staggering. It threatens to

fun than being in the light. Why resist? We

No!” I chanted, gripping my curls so tight i ripped some from the scalp. I have to stop

Artemis boomed within my mind. Her faraway voice seems so close, bombarding my sensitive ears with a simple command. A sparkle of light in my peripherals drew my attention to the bloodied sink. Within held a knife. A knife made of

you continue

you know

will to play the game of righteousness and morality?

hand shook. The knife


smoke commands. “Give into


torments me and sends my brain into a pool of hellfire. Burning. Screaming. Over and over 1 hear the same demands; one from my wolf

bloodied teeth, angling the blade to my neck. Its arms stretched from the prison of the mirror, tangible and

eyes, nothing but malevolence dances behind the lens like the devil is enjoying himself. It is the devil. How could this be me?

darkness! I’m not


sweet. “We suffered. But in the darkness, no longer. We are safe. We are happy.”

“We are free.”

I choked and coughed as my crimson essence gushed rapidly from the self–inflicted


faded. The darkness welcomed me with happiness and anticipation. Instead of the smoke embracing me, it’s the arms of death. I dropped. My head collided with the

my last

And then, silence.

I died…

my bed with a startled scream, covering my mouth as hot tears gushed from my eyes. They moved to my cellphone, quickly checking the time. It read 3 AM in front of the mobile background

On Zircon Moon territory.

weeks. It’s getting to where

leave me alone.

this happening to

on the lights, I sucked in a deep breath, hoping my nightmare didn’t come to fruition. And it didn’t. My reflection is

Unhinged – Prologue

nightgown in the nightmare. A breath of relief escaped my mouth as I ran my

on?” Artemis asked me quietly. “The nightmares are

don’t know, Art,” I answered dejectedly. “These dreams are unlike

It’ll help

my head. “No one will understand. If I can’t make

talking things out can help. And you

there isn’t much to talk about. And

on her busy schedule? You need someone here to speak to. Why not talk. to Jackie? Or Sapphire? Or the rest of our crew? Are

them with more.” With my hands gripped on the outer rim of the sink, I stare hard at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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