Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 166

Chapter 166 Kneel Down and Apologize

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone’s gaze turned towards Aylin.

Despite her young age and modest attire, with clothes and accessories that didn’t even reveal any recognizable brands, she surprisingly had a Louis Vuitton Gold Card!

You should know that this card is only for super VIPS. Without spending over millions of dollars, you won’t even get a glimpse of the Gold Card!

Upon hearing the news, the manager hurried over and personally packed the tie for Aylin. Carefully

wrapping it layer by layer with delicate pearlescent paper, he finally placed it into a carry bag.

He smiled warmly, “Ms. Koch, based on your previous spending, we can offer you a 20 percent discount on your shopping this time. I’ve already set aside your items, and we’ve also included the complimentary gifts you usually enjoy.”

Aylin casually took the bag and glanced at the manager, “The new people at your place are getting better and better at following the rules.”

The manager couldn’t help but understand the hidden meaning behind those words. He

immediately called over the young employee who had just been there and scolded him while pointing at his nose, “You’re fired! Now, pack up your things and leave immediately!”

“Manager, I know I made a mistake! I didn’t realize they were one of our store’s VIP members. Please give me another chance!”

The young shop assistant was so frightened that she couldn’t help but cry, pleading for help. However, no one paid attention to her cries, as the high-spending customers were the main source of income for the store.

An arrogant shop assistant, there’s no need for them to stay.

Laila was left to the side, her face contorted with anger!

She wanted to interrupt several times, but the manager didn’t even glance at her, focusing solely on attending to Aylin. It’s fair to say that the entire store was captivated by Aylin’s Gold Card!

more, but the manager bumped her aside with his

helpless, but there was nothing she could do about it, since she didn’t have

her displeasure and went to choose items by herself. There was no

anyone to explain the

stars, and along with her, Ryker also enjoyed

166 Kaeel

desserts, it was as if they were just short of giving Aylin

his smile, as he offered attentive service throughout. “Ms. Koch, is there anything else you’d like? Just let us know,

and casually pointed to a spot, “There’s a

to, Laila was holding a necklace, seemingly quite fond

manager immediately had someone snatch the necklace from Laila’s hands, not even uttering a single

foot angrily, “How could you snatch things from

paid attention to her; the one with more money had the

a thousand times over for the humiliation she had suffered. She left the accessories section and moved on to the shoes and socks area. Picking out a pair of exquisite and unique

not long after, they were snatched away by the shop

no attention to Laila, and carefully brought the shoes to Aylin. “Ms. Koch, are these the leather

much attention to the pair of shoes, and casually said, “Hmm, wrap them up,

Laila was dumbfounded.

aimed at him

fuming with anger, pointing at Aylin and scolding, “Whatever I want, you snatch it away! Are you a bandit?

raised her eyebrows slightly, her radiant smile lighting up her face. “That’s right, I’m targeting you. If you

utmost honesty and

attitude that infuriated Laila even more! Aylin’s arrogant behavior, flaunting her own advantages, made

eyes off Aylin, who exuded an

Down and Apologize.

it’s a vivid and lively brilliance that can be seen, tempting one

of all shapes and

trials and tribulations, Aylin has truly become a much

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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