Chapter 222 Revealing the Truth

“Gavyn Delacruz, would you care to explain yourself? This is a luncheon between me and my friend, and you just barged in uninvited. Don’t I have the right to be upset?”

Ryker noticed Aylin was angry and walked over to stand protectively by her side. “Mr. Delacruz, as you can hear, no one here Please do not disturb our meal.”

Ryker’s comes!

1 “oice was deep and heavy, filled with a stark werLURE.

The tug-of-war between the two men was so intense that Lloyd could feel the tension even as he stood by the door. It seemed as if they were on the verge of exploding at any moment.

Gavyn’s hands were crossed in front of his abdomen, and although he was sitting, his presence was no less imposing than that of the upright-standing Ryker, if not even more so.

His expression was cold, yet his posture was relaxed and elegant. “Ryker Orozco, right?”

He looked

up, as if he had just noticed him. His eyes were cold and deep, exuding an aura that had been honed through years of experience in the power struggle. It was subtle, yet incredibly ssive.

“I saw what happened online, and I want to thank you for defending my wife.” He only mentioned about his wife and his calm tone carried an indescribable feeling.

Upon hearing this, Aylin was momentarily taken aback, her heart slightly stifled.

Once upon a time, when Gavyn got married, he was never willing to openly admit that she was his wife when they were out in public. He wished he could treat her as if she were invisible, blatantly stating that she was unpresentable.

Because of this, she even doubted herself for a while.

Now that we’re divorced, why rush to establish an connection as mere passersby?

Who are they really trying to annoy!

Ryker was equally outraged. He had long been dissatisfied with Gavyn, the derelict ex-husband, and never expected him to have the audacity to bring it up.

“Mr. Delacruz, please get it straight – she’s not your wife anymore!”

Gavyn raised his eyebrows slightly, his gaze falling on Ryker, calm and composed. “An ex-wife is still a wife. We had a substantial marital relationship, which is better than being ambiguous all the time.”

The phrase was profound and seemed to mock Ryker for his unrequited feelings, as he still hadn’t truly received permission to be in a relationship.

Ryker, being younger, clenched his fists as his anger erupted like molten lava in an instant,

“Gavyn Delacruz, you…!”

calm, his gaze overwhelmingly

understood what was going on. Gavyn was jealous, and the two of them were

even thought about how he would mediate the situation

her and said. irritably, “Gavyn, have you lost your mind? Why are you suddenly picking a

thank you? Speak clearly,” she

last sentence, his hand paused while closing the menu. “How could you not have seen such a

What do you see?

Gavyn might be referring to his acquisition

own company’s future, weighing the pros and cons. How could

all about having a

for your own profit, and now you’re telling me I should be

the neurology department. Go

at Aylin. Word by word, he asked, “Is that


I should bow

me to think of you? We’re both

give you access to existing resources. Even if it’s just the shell of a large company, it can still accomplish quite a bit. Mr. Delacruz, don’t tell me you can’t see the benefits behind this. If we’re really talking about helping each other

on her lips, “Mrs. Coop skinned

help each other care

full of sin personal interests, just

tone was full of sarcasm as she finished speaking and looked

his image in

he was even more surprised that she would praise Ryker for his achievements. His handsome face turned from green to black as

watched with a

turns icy cold a of fear

too much about his reputation.

you so


could it be

at him, “Ryker is the only friend by my side who would be so considerate of me. How could I not know who treats me

something, his eyebrows and

angry that he felt like his heart,

sound, he stood up from the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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