Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 145

Chapter145 set thu Karm How to Hack Tool

Matan dan pegang at to him the ground for the housekeeper to bring her the computer With a calme experetion, the ordered the disk, ryped as the code and completed the

As she deftly maneuvered her slender fer fingers across the rows of code swiftly changed,


making her look every bit the professional hacket

The faint blor glow on the screen illuminated her skin, making it as white an jude

Waylon’s mouth was wide open in shock, as if he could fit a sea egg inside

“Aylin, you.”


Waylon fell silent.

He may not be a hacker, but he can understand a bit. He can tell that Aylin’s skill level and reaction awareness are definitely at the expert level!

No wonder she was able to accurately recount his life story just now

Waylon was still wondering, who exactly had accidentally leaked the information, even the name of the traming camp was known by others.

So it turns out that Aylin didn’t even need to gather information, with her skills, she could easily find out everything about him down to his underwear in no time!

he saw his own Gavyni with

paused for

quite a few years since I’ve seen Mr. Delacruz

he knew well, had always been a fearless and calm individual with great

many things that can make him face such

just taken over the company and was competing with a rival for a piece of land with high commercial value in

they resort to

look on his face. The atmosphere around him was so cold that people dared not stand near him, fearing that they might

his movements. He gently closed the door and

you need anything else, please feel free

in a

about to leave the room, he inadvertently glanced at the

Mr. Delacruz actually

Delacruz Group

As a CEO, even if he knows how to fix them,

Delacruz family, but any heir to a prominent family has to learn a myriad of skills from a young age. These skills range from mastering multiple languages and cultivating

family is

was sent abroad for training, learning all the skills that an outstanding heir should possess. Living up to everyone’s expectations, he mastered all these

On one hand, he delved into finance, working alongside actuaries to analyze stock market trends; on

can handle them.

on, after he took over the company, his

Delacruz Group has returned to its former glory, firmly securing

skills were all top figures in New York, but he had already solved their problems early on

this very moment, who could possibly make him

that Gavyn was completely absorbed in his thoughts, he decided not to disturb

was fixed on the

that finding Aylin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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