Chapter 227 Strangers Once More

“Come on, it’s time to eat.”

Haleigh came out of the kitchen, eagerly looking towards the living room, and then froze. “Oh… Ms. Wescott, why is it just you? Where’s Gavyn?”

Jacquelyn smiled gently, “He has some matters to attend to, so he went upstairs first.”

Haleigh raised her eyebrows, “This kid, the guests are still here, and he just went upstairs by himself, not showing any gentlemanly manners at all!”

“Please don’t hesitate, Mrs. Delacruz.”

Jacquelyn understandingly said, “It’s alright. After all, this is our first meeting, so it’s normal for him to be a bit slow to warm up. We’ll get to know each other gradually.

I just happen to have something to attend to as well, Mrs. Delacruz. I’ll come by another day to try your cooking.”

Jacquelyn picked up her bag and got up.

Haleigh felt extremely guilty and said, “I’m so sorry, he’s just like this, slow to warm up. Please come again next time, and I’ll make you something delicious!”

After sending Jacquelyn away, Haleigh’s mouth still wore a wide grin, feeling completely satisfied with Jacquelyn.

Coming from a good family background, well-educated, highly cultured, attractive and gentle – only someone with these qualities would be worthy of Haleigh’s son!

In the future, she will definitely be a good wife.

As a mother, she was determined to play matchmaker and ensure that Gavyn would marry her daughter and bring her home!

Gavyn returned to his study, but the feeling of annoyance just wouldn’t go away. He had no interest in carefully examining the reports on the table.

Haleigh was utterly unqualified to be a wealthy wife, lacking both the appropriate education and elegant conversation skills.

The fact that she was his mother, and all her various attempts at “doing what’s best for him,” never failed to give Gavyn a headache.

I found a friend’s daughter whom I had met a few times at parties, and enthusiastically played matchmaker. I must have had too much time on my hands.

Gavyn rubbed his forehead in frustration, feeling increasingly agitated. Suddenly, the phone rang with an urgent tone.

It was Laila.

Gavyn took just a glance and hung up with a cold expression.

He once had immense trust in this woman, but now he was equally fed up with her. At this point, he didn’t want to hear Laila’s voice at all.

up on the

Perhaps they’re just busy?

message on her phone to Gavyn: [Gavyn, my

stared at the message popping up on his phone


Divine Doctor. Upon seeing it, Lloyd

replied: [Mr. Delacruz, rest assured, I will handle it.] They’ve done so many disgusting things and still want to stay by their boss’s side.

message, Laila was filled with joy and excitement, yet she also felt a bit of uneasiness

one must be

around him, showcasing your gentle, virtuous, and

position of a secretary

and a hip-hugging skirt, the epitome of a modern urban woman. Alluring and

felt a warmth in her


in the wonderful

be Gavyn


did, she let out a sweet, delicate call. Her voice was so tender and charming, as if she was using all her skills

of the phone,

this trick to ruin

the bottom of his heart, he couldn’t stand Laila, a woman who was vain,

the caller ID, did she?”

voice, Laila immediately realized it wasn’t Gavyn, and her face

Delacruz is very busy, I’m here to convey a

are all filled, but there

was taken aback, “What

“Logistics department.”

waiting, the news she received would be like a

agree that I would be a

frail; she shouldn’t be overworked. If anything goes wrong again,

bear it,” he emphasized these four words

office. They’re not even in the same building! Trying to find an opportunity to meet Gavyn would be

Laila possibly accept this? She stomped her foot angrily, “Why do you get to decide with just one

these trivial matters. He also mentioned that

divorce, Lloyd genuinely despised the third party who interfered in someone

an ugly falling out, ultimately becoming like strangers to each other. This woman bears an undeniable responsibility for

agreed on this, why should I “The message has been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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