Chapter 247 No Right to Feel Jealousy

Gavyn glared at Lloyd indifferently.

Lloyd immediately lowered his head and apologized obediently, “I’m sorry, Mr. Delacruz. I shouldn’t have said that. I was out of line.”

On the surface, Lloyd apologized smoothly, but in his heart, he had no regrets.

Someone had to speak up, and since Gavyn was unwilling to do so, it was his responsibility to take on the role of the messenger.

Otherwise, there was no saying how long these two would continue to be at odds with each other.

To Aylin’s surprise, Gavyn had indeed come for her, leaving her momentarily stunned.

Gavyn had never felt so uncomfortable before. His inner thoughts were bluntly exposed, rendering all his reasons and excuses futile.

Upon seeing Aylin’s complex expression, the more he looked, the more he noticed a hint of mockery, as if she was laughing at his chaotic concern and impulsive recklessness.

It was undeniable that after her divorce, Aylin was like a pearl that had been cleansed of dust, shining brilliantly under the sunlight, captivating the gaze of every man around her.

Now, another one had appeared by her side.

However, he had already lost the right to question.

This made it even more frustrating, for he couldn’t even have the right to feel jealous. It was the worst kind of jealousy one could feel.

Lloyd noticed the tense atmosphere and quickly stepped in with a cheerful smile. “Um… Ms. Koch, are you hurt?”

“I’m fine.” Aylin lowered her eyes gently, her thick and long eyelashes casting a small shadow on her face like butterfly wings. “Thank you for earlier.”

In a nutshell, it was a response to Gavyn.

Aylin could refuse anyone’s entanglements and defend against anyone’s malice, but she was unable to ignore the kindness others showed her.

In the end, she had a clear distinction between love and hate. She was also a person who was extremely grateful.

If she weren’t Gavyn’s ex-wife, with Aylin’s personality, she would definitely invite Gavyn for a meal and sincerely thank him.

Unfortunately, the timing wasn’t right. All she could do was thank him for treating her well after their divorce.

Harry naturally reached out to help Aylin straighten her clothes that were messed up by the wind, and said gently, “Ayl, it’s almost time for dinner. Let’s go back.”

Gavyn’s forehead twitched.


with the nickname, but also smiled and nodded,

Aylin even

within him. This forced

time Gavyn got jealous, there was no reaction from the other party. Instead, it was him, the assistant, who was

Gavyn fought, Lloyd had no choice but to step in and break up the fight. If Lloyd were to be accidentally injured by the two furious men, it was unsure

to leave with Harry. The moment she opened the

turned around.

car broke down. It won’t

she glared at the thugs lying on the

hearts. They guiltily shifted their eyes away and turned

was so scared that he buried his face in his palms. Oh dear. I just randomly hit somewhere. Who

I’m not even sure if the money will be enough to cover the medical

immediately stepped forward, his eyes cold and unapologetic as he scrutinized

“I’ll take you back.”

her eyes indifferent. “No need. If Mr. Delacruz wants

is nearby. Let’s go home first, and then we can call someone to tow your

currently the most reliable and convenient solution. With her brother around, she naturally felt

“All right.”

escort, she turned around and

leaving, Harry gently pulled Aylin

like a blade dipped in ice,

but understand the hidden meaning behind those words. His eyes were filled with a cold glint, and he pursed his


made a move, Gavyn kicked him to the ground. “Go back and tell everyone in the underworld. If they dare to touch Aylin again, you’ll be

was covered in cold sweat, and

your people and get

eyes as he watched from the side. It was just too brutal, far

these little troublemakers had it

on Aylin is like

with Blondie, Gavyn tugged at his collar, still looking irritated. He glanced in the

who that

Inside the car.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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