Chapter 236 Poisoning

“Aylin, I brought Abby over to play with you. She says you’re beautiful and wants to get to know you better,” Sariah said with a smile, leading Abby towards her.

Aylin didn’t bother giving Sariah a look, and spoke to Abby in a relatively gentle tone, “Abby, is that so?”

Abby took Sariah’s words to heart, nodding and agreeing with everything Sariah said.


Sariah laughed warmly and affectionately patted Abby’s head, “See, she likes you so much now. That’s how a family should be. Aylin, I was wrong before, but now let’s take care of Abby together and deepen our bond with her, okay?”

Upon hearing this, Aylin could hardly contain her laughter.

Pulling Abby into an emotional appeal, this hopelessly foolish woman, could she really be Aylin’s cousin?

Sariah, however, couldn’t detect the deep sarcasm hidden in Aylin’s eyes. She turned her head, blinked, and gave Abby a subtle signal.

She hinted to her to proceed according to plan.

Although Abby is timid, she is extremely clever and quick-witted, grasping things instantly.

She tilted her adorable little face upwards and said softly, “Aylin, I noticed your lips seem a bit dry. Would you like Abby to pour you a glass of water?”

This child has been deceived, and the ignorant are innocent. Aylin wouldn’t be so petty as to hold a grudge against a child.

“Go ahead, the kitchen is on the left.”

Aylin pointed the way for the little one, and Abby conscientiously carried the glass, trotting all the way to the kitchen.

Pour water, add medicine, serve water.

This is Sariah’s plan.

In reality, she didn’t want it to be like this. Aylin was so beautiful and provided her with food and entertainment. However, if she didn’t act this way, Aylin would lock her up.

Taking out the small paper packet from her pocket, she found the white medicinal powder that Sariah had given her inside.

grabbed her and repeatedly urged, “Success or failure hinges on this moment. Whether we can escape Aylin’s clutches and live in a big house or be confined to

in! It’s just a laxative, so it won’t cause any harm. After you’re done, stuff the wrapper into

up locked in the dark room, no one will be

to be locked

bag while the other was ready

was designed for adults, and for Abby, a

stand on her

hands and feet were too

hook the kettle out, but unexpectedly

couldn’t dodge. The hot water splashed directly

The child was stunned.

blink of an eye, amidst a flash of lightning and a spark of fire, a graceful figure dashed in with a speed so swift that it left no time

pain from the burn didn’t come. Instead, she found herself nestled in a

like a mother’s

looking up, Aylin was staring at

since someone had held Abby like this, showing such care and concern. She blinked, feeling a mix of

so Aylin carefully examined the child to make sure she wasn’t

at my place is quite high, so you

said, “I have something to do

situation. Upon seeing

she quickly spoke up, “Aylin, are you going upstairs already? Don’t you


carefully. We have never had any sisterly bond, not

a bit, “Aylin, why

“I’m the kind of person who holds grudges. I remember every single thing others have done to wrong

her gaze fell

“Take her away, immediately.”

Sariah’s face

did Aylin find



shudder. The woman then extended her delicate fingers, pointing at the painting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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