Chapter 229 Using Gavyn as a Pawn

Waylon’s tone sounded wronged and helpless, “I’m sorry, Zoey withheld the remittance. No matter what I say, she just doesn’t believe in this project…”

Aylin raised an eyebrow.

She knew for sure that the problem couldn’t be with Waylon.

Waylon has an older sister, Zoey Kline. During the years when Waylon was indulging in food, drink, and entertainment, Zoey took care of the entire company. It was only later that she gradually. allowed him to get involved in some parts of the business.

Despite this, since he hasn’t settled down and gotten married yet, the financial control of the Kline family’s fortune still remains in Zoey’s hands.

Zoey was swift and decisive, highly skilled in her craft. Within their circle, she was a well-known formidable beauty, and even Aylin had heard of her reputation.

She knew Zoey must be a strong-willed woman, but she never imagined she could be this assertive.

After pondering for a moment, Aylin didn’t bother with pointless blame and asked directly, “So, how much can you transfer now?”

Waylon touched his nose and said, “3 million dollars.”

The original amount was 8 million dollars, but now it’s been reduced by more than half.

Aylin frowned, saying in a deep voice, “The difference is too great.”

Waylon knew that hearing this number would definitely be upsetting, so he quickly said, “But don’t worry, I’ll try my best to persuade Zoey. Oh, she can be so stubborn sometimes… How about I find someone else to collaborate with?”

Find someone? Who else could we find?

Aylin could easily guess what Waylon was hinting at, but she didn’t like it one bit.

“No need. Just find a way to send the money as soon as possible. I hope you can abide by the contract. That’s it, goodbye.”

Aylin hung up the phone, her expression solemn.

The contract has been signed, and work on various aspects of the project has already begun. Whether it’s the manufacturers, advertisers, or the marketing department, everyone is eagerly awaiting the funds to be put to use.

can be discussed, but if the startup capital is Insufficient, it’s like building a house on an unstable foundation there will be constant problems and

and could hear everything clearly. Daniel’s face

I only have 750 thousand dollars. Is that

head, “I

After a moment, she hesitated and said, “How about we do as he suggested and bring in

big and small, so delaying even

patted Suzanne’s innocent head, “Do you know

a pretty good idea, but Suzanne wasn’t very familiar with Waylon’s circle

Gavyn,” Aylin said, her face as calm as still

surprised that Waylon would suggest inviting Aylin’s ex-husband. Wasn’t that

the moment, aside from this solution, she couldn’t think

brows, “But with the current situation, it’s impossible to stop midway. Ayl,

was cold and indifferent, “Not considering


and was even

of New York, it was truly impossible to find a second person

get his help, I’m sure

a time when we urgently need a large amount of cash flow. We also have other ongoing

and I don’t like him either. But for the

but she couldn’t get past this mental barrier. She didn’t want to rely. on

he could do was stand by, feeling anxious Suzanne sized up Aylin, and suddenly, she slapped her thigh

“I understand”

haven’t you gotten

forehead twitched, “What nonsense are you

analyze it for

as humans, we have emotions. It’s not that easy to completely move on from a relationship after spending three

said, “If you truly don’t care about him, you would only see him as a partner and nothing more, You’re so repelled by him because you once loved him deeply. But he hurt you without knowing any better, leaving scars behind. As they say,

resist him, but deep down, you actually care about him. The more you care, the less

her heart ached. She stepped forward and

days will only get better and better. Don’t be afraid to face him;


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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