Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 209

Chapter 209 Not to be Slandered by Others!

Unaware of this, Aylin and Ryker arrived at the popular bakery on the street corner. The

enthusiastic staff recommended their new dark chocolate cake. The whipping cream was sweet but not greasy, and the frosting design was exquisitely cute, winning Aylin’s affection.

The two of them found a sunny spot to sit down. Ryker laughed brightly, and the proud man raised an eyebrow, “What do you think? I knew you’d like it!”

Aylin curled her lips and said, “The taste is indeed quite good.”

The two of them were chatting casually when Aylin’s phone suddenly started buzzing with message

notifications. Aylin didn’t notice.

Ryker pursed his lips, “Aylin, your phone is ringing.”

Of course, he didn’t want his date with Aylin to be interrupted, but the fact that someone kept messaging Aylin must mean it was something important.

Unexpectedly, the message on the phone was from Hugo.

He texted: [Ms. Koch, today’s trending topics on Twitter are quite unfavorable for our company’s


Then, he added: [Someone is spreading rumors about you. Do you want the PR team to handle it?]

Moreover, he wrote: [It has already risen from third place to the top trending spot; it seems like there’s a driving force behind it.]

Aylin put down her fork, furrowed her brow, and opened Twitter.

Upon checking the top trending topic on Twitter, it was strikingly titled: [Model Sally assaulted by Aylin at a dinner party – what’s the motive behind the daughter of the Koch family’s deliberate attack?]

Upon opening, it was even more outrageous. Sally’s fans could be described as insanely supportive, with one person posting dozens or even hundreds of comments, all speaking up for Sally and overwhelmingly accusing and blaming Aylin.

One wrote: [Isn’t this a society governed by the rule of law now? Those who bully others by flaunting their power should be punished! So what if she’s a socialite? She’s just a blood-sucking capitalist! Disgusting!]

commented: [Exactly, they must have beaten Sally up so badly out of jealousy and

can do whatever you want and hit people randomly? I suggest you thoroughly investigate that so-called

done this kind of thing just once! Hiding behind her

writings, their faults are

director, once as famous as Bob, who came out to act as a mediator and a defender of justice, expressing his

power can be used to harm others at will, then such unhealthy practices will prevail in the industry. It is crucial

strong and compelling argument, which was met with a chorus of


my friend, I never thought something like this

witness in question was none other than Sariah, who just yesterday had

Aylin was so fierce, I didn’t dare to intervene… She’s my sister, but I

actions, saying that it was the behavior of a truly well-mannered young lady from a prestigious family, and that this

demeanor of a true

of a domineering and arrogant capitalist lady who

opinion, though intangible, can have

media account had issued a clarification statement, people always tend to form their

comment section.

up with

her come out and apologize herself. Why is she acting so

wrote: [Pah! How shameless, it

as if it had

he watched from the side. Although he had experienced it firsthand, he never imagined that


without even mentioning the grievances Aylin had suffered! Ryker, furious, slammed the table

stood up from his chair, “Aylin, don’t worry. I’ll contact the organizers right away and have them figure out a

“No need.”

With one hand holding Ryker and the other

I possibly borrow one of your computers? I urgently need to handle some work matters, but I didn’t bring my laptop

was very enthusiastic, handing over

you go, the password is

carried her laptop back to her seat, while Ryker still looked worried. “Aylin, can you handle this on your own?


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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