Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 189

Chapter 189 Is She Insinuating Something?

The tug-of-war has undoubtedly reached a white-hot stage.

This time, Aylin didn’t make an immediate decision. Instead, she pondered for a moment before raising her sign. “90,000 dollars.”

Gavyn said, “97,500 dollars.”

Aylin frowns, “99,000 dollars.”

“105 thousand dollars.”

“109,500 dollars!”

He was rendered speechless.

Gavyn decided that she didn’t appreciate it, and finally raised the sign, “180 thousand dollars.”

The brand manager was almost moved to tears, as he never expected to find someone so knowledgeable and appreciative in this place, willing to pay a high price for this precious piece of embroidery art.

-The auctioneer called out, “180 thousand dollars for the first time!”

Aylin didn’t raise her sign again. Instead, she lowered her gaze slightly and fell silent.

Seeing that she was no longer raising the bid, Ryker immediately asked with concern, “What’s wrong, Aylin? Don’t you have enough money? I have some here, I can help you win the auction.”

Aylin shook her head, “No need, I don’t want this painting anymore.”

Ryker, puzzled, asked, “Why? But you clearly really like this painting, don’t you?”

The auctioneer, of course, wouldn’t wait for them to finish speaking. As the words were exchanged, the gavel had already struck down. “180 thousand dollars, going once, going twice, going three

times! Sold!”

“I declare, this exquisite embroidery portrait belongs to Mr. Delacruz…

as Aylin lost something she cherished deeply, feeling even worse than if he

mentally evaluate everything and have a psychological bottom line. Once something crosses that line, no matter how much I

words, her expression was calm and undisturbed, but Gavyn somehow perceived a

Get Boy

feeling of acquiring a beloved

every sentence seemed to carry

very thing that Aylin had given up

possible that Aylin married him for the


a new love outside, she felt that her

not worth investing in.

could this woman be

tightly gripped the tall wine glass, feeling extremely annoyed as he


Aylin, and somehow ended up as the

was in full

lively. Many of the exhibits were auctioned off at

precious jewels, antiques, and calligraphy paintings have all found their

“Ladies and gentlemen.”

items this time. Glancing at his watch,

I’m sure you’re all tired. Let’s take a

grab a drink and then

everyone began to

“Aylin, shall we go too? Let’s head to the private lounge and relax for

heels and doesn’t want to walk too far. “Let’s go

never left Aylin, even when admiring the exhibits, his peripheral

on her.

result, he couldn’t even remember what several of the

realized that Aylin had inadvertently influenced


Aylin leave, Gavyn instinctively

“Mr. Delacruz!”

only taking a few steps and passing two seats, a man dressed in a suit and leather shoes approached to strike up a conversation. “It’s been a while since we last met. We worked together on a

Zacker, the son of the Zacker Group, and also the project manager who had previously

familiar with him, he couldn’t completely ignore him

“Long time no

Ricky stopped him. “Mr. Delacruz, our last collaboration was a pleasure, but unfortunately, you’ve been quite busy and we

auction ends?”

to turn around and listen to him speak, Aylin had already

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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