Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 290

Chapter 290 Is He Pursuing You?


David deftly took Aylin’s coat and bag from her. His sour expression morphed into anger. “I went to handle the procedures on your behalf at noon, but the front desk informed me that someone had already taken care of your check-in.”

Aylin raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Who was it”

“Humph, it’s that annoying Gavyn!”

David seethed with fury. He felt increasingly frustrated as he had been repeatedly deprived of his role in serving Aylin today. “Has he lost his mind? Always meddling in other people’s affairs!

What’s the point of acting like a good person after getting divorced? Why didn’t he do this earlier?”

As Aylin’s trusted confidant, David shared an intense dissatisfaction with Gavyn. However, due to various circumstances, he couldn’t engage in a direct confrontation and had to restrain himself.

And now, that person dared to come and snatch his job!

“Unforgivable!” Aylin’s beautiful eyes slightly darkened “Considering how he treated you in the past, even if 1 slapped him a hundred times, it wouldn’t be enough! Now he decides to be on your side? Who knows what he’s truly plotting!”

The motive behind Gavyn’s actions suddenly struck David.

He paused, as if remembering something, and lowered his voice in disbelief, “Boss, you don’t think that guy wants to win you back, do you…?”

“That’s out of the question! I’d be the first one to reject that!”

Aylin raised her arm lightly and cast a glance at him. “Are you out of your mind too?”

The hotel’s lighting accentuated her fair and almost translucent skin, creating an air of detachment and coldness.

“If someone harbored animosity towards you for three whole years and suddenly changes their behavior, offering even a slightly kinder treatment, would you believe they are pursuing you?” Aylin looked at David, a mocking smile curling her lips.

“Then how would you explain their actions over the past three years?” she continued.

David found himself speechless, unable to respond to Aylin’s question.

touched a nerve and wisely chose to remain silent,

how about I assist you in

furrowed her brow. “I’ve already made the reservation, so let’s

was not one to indulge in extravagance. While Gavyn might not worry about

Aylin obtained the room card

them inside. Aylin stood with her

Now Aylin would no longer

Her composure, rationality, decisiveness, and extraordinary courage

hope for my


out, and David quickly turned his attention

of Abby at the hospital, while I’ll handle

to remain at her current school. Returning to New York seemed to be the best course

make this trip. I can find someone else to handle it,

raise her, I must handle many things myself. Otherwise, I won’t feelnovelxo.com fast update at ease. Tomorrow, you go to the hospital, and I’ll

once Aylin had resolved to do something, no one could sway her.

confront the despicable Timothy on behalf of the little girl, but she also took care of her hospital expenses. Amidst her busy schedule, she still found time to care for

exemplifies pure

lifted her gaze, her determined almond-shaped eyes shining brightly. “She is my family. I made

may be beasts, but others are

elevator doors opened, and Aylin

back to the room and rest. You can leave as

sight. “Boss, please rest well.

truly amazing, and I mustn’t lag

day, Aylin rose

made him unwilling to send Abby to an expensive private

o’clock, and Aylin had already confirmed in advance that Abby’s homeroom teacher had no class for the first period. That presented the


simple and understated manner for her visit to the school,

door, a hurried

young man wearing

Aylin. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s my fault. Miss,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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