Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 292

Chapter 292 Waiting for Her

“Abby advised me, saying that it didn’t matter, and she smiled and went ahead to finish all the work. But she wasn’t on duty that day at all!” The head teacher was full of distress and chagrin as she continued, “Abby’s situation is special. As she comes from a single parent family, some naughty children in the class are always bullying her. Abby didn’t resist, and those children refused to change. As teachers, there is a limit to what we can do. Every time I get angry, she smiles and comforts me instead. This child is so good. Why can’t the parent love her more?”

The head teacher couldn’t stand it anymore, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. “It’s all because my ability as a teacher is too small to help her…”

When it came to the sensible but pitiful Abby, every teacher shook their heads and sighed.

“Abby is just too sensible, but it’s not supposed to be a child’s nature at all. If she keeps suppressing it like this, something bad will happen! It’s not like we haven’t tried to change it. No one will forget what happened during the last home visit. Her father kicked us out before we could say a few words.

In the end, the child’s character has to be nurtured by her parents with care, but her father… it’s pointless to say anything!”

After hearing all that, Aylin was trembling and had difficulty breathing. She felt as if a knife was scraping at her heart.

It reminded her of the three years when she felt like she was living in hell back then.

It was no wonder Abby was as skinny as a kitten when she first came to New York. She was so timid when she saw anyone.

At such a young age, she should have a happy childhood.

Instead, she endured the physical and mental bullying that she shouldn’t have endured.

Sure enough, Aylin was right to come in person that day. If she hadn’t come in person, Abby wouldn’t have taken the initiative to talk about it.

Aylin clenched her knuckles tightly and restrained the urge to end one’s life. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her in the future, and I will never let this happen again!”

The head teacher didn’t expect a cousin would stand up for Abby. She was surprised and happy while holding Aylin’s hand as she sobbed.

“You’re so kind! Abby is a very good child. She won’t let you down. I’ll help you with the drop-out procedures right away. Please tell Abby that I’ve been worried about her and asked her to study hard as well as take care of herself even when she has gone somewhere else.”

Aylin was quite fond of the teacher who always took care of Abby. She said In a warm voice, “I’ll pass the message to her on your behalf.”

Tears welled up in everyone’s eyes as they watched the scene. They turned around to wipe their tears quietly.

“Abby is finally free from all the suffering!”

and a hint

determined to protect

care of Abby, make up for all her

those who did evil,

with the head teacher, she returned to the hotel with Abby’s student profile. She stepped on

stepped out, Aylin felt something was

men with vicious gazes, who had been waiting there for a long time,

arms, who was leading the group, approached her step by step. “I can’t

closed the car door, swept a glance at that man, and smiled, but there was no hint of amusement in her

“Don’t you know you’ve offended someone? Either come with us obediently, or we’ll drag

be so fierce. You’ll scare

fair neck. A hint of lasciviousness flashed in his

fun, we can consider being gentle, or revealing something

each other and smiled as if Aylin was already an easy

these people are

beat them up

bag into the car

it was so close to her! An unknown black car rushed straight toward her on the left

of four feet had shortened to

turned sideways to

one inch closer, she would definitely

watched the scene with their mouths wide open. They didn’t

started wondering if she was even

looked at the driver’s seat with a cold gaze, but before she

blue car rushed over at lightning speed from the same place. Aylin’s eyes

It was a trap.

earlier was just

sanity and impulsiveness were

couldn’t dodge it

thing Aylin did was cover

was hit a few feet away and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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