Unveiling the Genius Behind the Divorcee Chapter 212

Chapter 212 Fostering Her New Romance

As night fell, Aylin finished dealing with her company’s affairs and took a ride back home.

As soon as the mahogany door of the Koch’s home was pushed open, a tall and handsome figure could be seen standing by the living room window.

Robert was holding his phone, seemingly talking to someone on a call.

The man’s usually gentle voice was now filled with coldness, “How do you even handle things? Haven’t I told you not to let that D-list model in? Do you take my words as mere whispers in the wind?

I’m giving you one more chance to make her disappear from Aylin’s sight. If you fail again, you can all get lost, a bunch of useless idiots!”

The sound of the door opening made Robert, with his cold expression, turn his head.

In the moment he caught a glimpse of Aylin from the corner of his eye, he spoke his final words, “Remember what I’ve said!”

After saying that, the anger and resentment on his face disappeared instantly, as if melted away by a gentle spring rain. All that was left in his eyes and brows was affection, “Aylin, are you back?”

He personally welcomed Aylin and invited her to sit on the couch.

“Robert, don’t get so worked up, it’s bad for your health,” Aylin said as she pulled him to sit down on the couch, feeling touched. “I know you care about me, but it’s not good to be so emotional all the time.”

“It’s nothing, just those incompetent fools… Never mind.”

Robert led Aylin to sit down, gently lifting his chin and pointing at a plate of exquisite American-style dessert on the table. “Look what I’ve brought you to eat,” he said with a smile.

Aylin’s eyes lit up when she saw the packaging, “Fondante’s Bakery’s lemon cupcake?”

Fondante’s Bakery is a renowned American-style dessert shop in New York, offering a limited number of servings each day. You can only purchase and get a ticket in the morning, and even then, it’s not guaranteed that you’ll be able to buy one.

Aylin’s favorite treats from this place are the lemon cupcakes and strawberry cupcakes.

“Wow, thank you, Robert.”

her brother. “Robert, you know me so well. After a long day, this is

shifting with

kid to actually have a change of heart. If only I hadn’t

cupcake and slowly ate it, wondering, “That kid? Robert, are you

glanced at Aylin, raising an eyebrow, “You

“What do you know?”

handle business matters and didn’t spend more time on Twitter looking at the public opinion

of silence, he said,


Entertainment acquired by the Delacruz Group.] As

this critical moment,

his intuition and let out an annoyed, cold hum while pursing

dogs long ago, and it’s no use having a change of heart now. Aylin,


“He always thinks things through

Robert’s frown deepened. “Why would he do all this? I’ve never heard of any issues between him and Sebastian before, and the Delacruz Group

acquire their

whole misunderstanding is like a muddy mess. Aylin has sufficient evidence and Ryker’s

Gavyn’s argument doesn’t make sense from a

can’t acquire it just because

and composed, analyzing the situation entirely

price makes it a great time to invest. Whether we decide to sell later or venture into film and television, it’s a

He was rendered speechless.

as Aylin denied herself, remaining silent for


didn’t necessarily do these things just for the sake of

over the past three years was immense, so much so that she didn’t even. realize it herself. Even when such obvious protection was right in front of her, she couldn’t believe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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