Chapter 145

Bethany quickly responded to her and made arrangements.

On the set, a group of people chattered as they boarded the bus.

The lake’s surface shimmered with gentle ripples, reflecting the sunlight, and the leaves on the lakeside trees rustled softly, adding a touch of charm to the tranquil scene.

The facilitators gathered all the participants and divided them into six teams for the rowing competition.

One participant, Isme Jenner, stepped onto the boat and eventually chose a seat behind a wealthy heiress, Yvonne Fisher.

As the referee blew the whistle, the two boats raced forward. Since most participants had little rowing experience, the small boats wobbled and rocked, accompanied by screams and laughter. The show’s effect was impressive, and the atmosphere was lively.

The wind on the lake gradually picked up, causing the already unstable boats to sway more violently.

In an area not caught by the cameras, a sudden splash echoed.

“Ah! Help!”

into the water!

water, screaming, “Someone help! I’m going to

on the boat were caught off guard by the unexpected fall and grew frantic,

the lifeguards were not far from the shore. Upon hearing the cries for help, they immediately swam


angrily vented, “What’s wrong with your venue? What if something happened to me today? Can you afford

condition, sighing in

outdoor event? Look at the embarrassment you’ve caused me! Your film crew is

Ben remained silent, allowing Yvonne to vent her frustration.

watched the spectacle unfold and swiftly sent a message, reporting the task

the surveillance area and the turbulent rocking of the boat, the following camera crew failed to capture the incident at the stern, and nobody noticed what happened, including

blame for this mishap in the

for the incident to be exposed!” Yvonne spat out these words

in of

or not, if they


do now?” Mira was anxious. “If she exposes this incident,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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