Chapter 219

Elijah was awakened by two crisp bird calls at 9 pm. Enduring the pain in his back, he forced himself to stand up from the floor. There was important business to attend to that night, and he had to stay alert.

Holding onto the railing, Elijah returned to his room and headed straight for the bathroom, turning on the shower to its hottest setting as he needed to wash away the blood on his shirt. After spending six hours unconscious with the blood and shirt fabric sticking together, attempting to change clothes would be like peeling off a layer of skin. Only hot water could swiftly remove the shirt.

However, the hot water pouring over the wounds on his back felt like a second round of torture, as if millions of needles were piercing, through. Elijah trembled in pain. Despite the intense physical discomfort, the scalding water gradually cleared his mind,

After a few minutes of showering, he changed into a fresh set of clothes. Turning off the lights, Elijah utilized the limited visibility in the bodyguards‘ hidden spots, pretending to lay on the bed as if sleeping. Silently, he stuffed the extra bedding, he had prepared into the bed, creating the illusion that he was asleep.

Then, Elijah quietly rolled to the other side of the bed, and shivers spread through his entire body when his back touched the ground, causing dizziness. After taking a two–minute break, he quietly exited through the slightly ajar door, going to the room on the other side that was in the bodyguards‘ blind spot. Later, he descended to the first floor through the pipes conveniently located next to the window.

This position happened to be near the back door.

Hearing the subtle movements, Lionel came out and reported in a hushed voice.

“Mr. Freeman, the Nicholls family had one missing heiress six years ago, but that girl was found three years ago, and we have her photo from online records. She definitely isn’t Ms. Sheena. Apart from that, there’s no one else with a timeline that fits Ms. Sheena’s.”

As Elijah listened to the report, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

my prison visit, I learned Ms. Sheena flew to Luivine to bring back a doctor to treat Hannah, I collaborated with all my subordinates in the investigation and found that the doctor she sought was Noah Lawson.”

Noah Lawson?

Elijah was stunned.

the medical field. Rumors portrayed him as a reclusive, arrogant, and quiet figure, a medical genius

inexplicable connections with Sheena, going

Zimmer family, seemingly distant relatives of the Lawson family, basked in the glow of their association, confidently displaying their prowess in Farlem,

Chapter 10


ties with the Lawson

be affiliated with

expression grew increasingly stern. “Investigate the Lawson family! Whether they’re. direct descendants or distant relatives, anyone with a

“Mr. Freeman, do you remember six years ago, when Albert’s

Beep, beep-

was cut short as headlights suddenly

Sheena had returned!

she come back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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