police escorting Romello forcibly restrained him.

thaniel stood still, holding the umbrella with one hand.

His blue eyes appeared more sinister under the dim light, and he flashed a wildly arrogant smirk

Romello was shaking with rage but could not do anything due to the hear

on his legs.

This was the difference between a winner and a loser.

handcuffs and chains

Once defeated, the loser would lose all power.

Romello could not do a single thing.

Nathaniel pretended to sigh with regret.

“Romello, rest assured, I’ll visit you often in prison. After all, the high–security prison is a good place. I spent half a year there and almost went crazy. Now, you’ll spend your whole life there.

What should we do?”

Romello’s eyes brimmed with intense hatred.

looks could kill, Nathaniel would have been dead.

officers on both sides. held him down tightly, dragging him

now on, I’ll take on the responsibility of the Nicholls family. I won’t let


gradually faded

leaving only endless


scoffed and

be serving his sentence in prison,

within the Nicholls

Marius, Gabrielle, and Nathaniel sat

camained empty, and none of them dared to sit in

the crisp clinking of utensils against the plates,

yet somewhat

Marius tentatively asked, “Nathaniel, now that the family lacks a

and continued to eat his

get that position. After all, you’re older than me, and I support

his expression seemed

have no desire for

his head, saying, “I never covet things that don’t belong to me. Marius, don’t worry, Gabrielle and I will stand by your side if you end up in a dispute with

enjoying the

he watched his

glad you think that way. From now on, you can relax at home without any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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