Chapter 1011

Howard knew Phoebe had always been a girl full of ambition and career drive.

If Phoebe wanted to continue pursuing her career, he had no reason to refuse

Howard Indulgently ruffled Phoebe’s hair and said, “Alright, but I had the team stop accepting offers because you were sick, and you haven’t acted in a while. Tomorrow, I’ll have them arrange small web series for you to familiarize yourself with. How does that sound?”

Phoebe hesitated for a moment but chose to listen to Howard, obediently nodding.

Now, with her memory regressed by four years and lacking the maturity gained from her recent years of work, her gaze was as innocent and nalve as ever.

Howard had always liked her for her naivety, kindness, and cuteness.

Seeing her now, he could not help but feel a sense of nostalgia, as if he had returned to the time when he first met her.

It seemed nice enough.

It did not matter even if she could not remember. They would just start over.

The global bidding conference hosted by Dorvell Corporation was drawing closer with each passing day.

In three days, it would take place at the luxurious seven–star hotel in Ardolisia, the Francia Hotel.

to prepare for this conference, drafting proposals and working late into the night. She had even revised the plans five times

1 a.m., she was still in the study, burning the midnight oil as there

she intended to make

of the

door was cracked open, and a pair of eyes cautiously surveyed the

did not stop typing on the keyboard and unexpectedly spoke up, “Come in. Why are you acting all sneaky

door swung open completely.

been alone in

don’t stay up too late. It’s

I go to bed after I finish it. If you’re tired, go ahead and sleep

hour ago, an hour ago, and three hours ago. Honey, could you


walked over and immediately lifted her up from the chair, sitting her on his lap in her office chair.

the bidding conference, you can just have one of the staff members deliver it to him. Cooperation

to criticize us for doing that. We


his fingertip, his eyes full of

knew she was determined, and once she decided on her career, it was

of trying to persuade her further, Elliot asked, “The bidding conference is in three days. You’ll have

an early morning flight tomorrow, and head over. If everything goes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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