Lin Mu looked around, but all he could see was darkness. He could not see his arms or legs either. This differed from when he went to the other dark place where the altar existed. At least there he could see his body and even the sky had silver and grey streaks of light moving around, but here nothing existed; only emptiness.

"Looks like I'll just have to wait till I wake up, same as yesterday."

Lin Mu decided to just sit down and wait. While sitting, he felt the ground. It was a plain flat surface, possessing no bumps or grooves. Having no idea whether minutes went by or hours, Lin Mu eventually woke up. Somehow feeling well rested, he stretched and heard a grumble coming from his stomach. Knowing it must have been quite late in the morning, he stood up.

Walking out of the shack, he looked up at the sun glaring at the top of his head. He had indeed been late waking up, since it was already noon. Deciding to check on the snare traps he set yesterday, he walked towards the forest. Following the same animal trails as before, he found his traps. Out of the six that he set, two were never triggered, three were broken - probably by a bigger beast -, and the last one was the only one which was successful.

Lin Mu found a black horned rabbit hanging upside down from the snare. Pulling on the snare, he found the rabbit to be still alive and moving. With familiarity he twisted the black-horned rabbit's neck, careful not to cut himself on the horn, and ended its life. Before going back to the hunting shack, he reset the snares so that he could catch some more beasts till evening if he's lucky.

"Now that I have caught a black-horned rabbit, how am I going to skin it? I don't have a knife or blade with me. I'll need to figure something out quickly or the meat will spoil fast if I don't drain the blood."

While walking back to the hunting shack he picked up a fallen branch and broke it from one end so that there was a sharp edge left. Deciding to drain the blood near the stream and also pick up some apples, he instead changed directions and walked towards the stream.

Reaching the stream, he knelt down at the edge of the water and used the sharp edge of the broken branch to stab the neck of the now dead black horned rabbit, letting the blood drain in the water; careful not to stain the fur with blood.

After no more blood came out from the neck of the rabbit, he pushed his fingers inside the hole and used both his hands to pull it apart. Slowly applying force he ripped away the pelt, turning it inside out in the process. In the end, he was left with a full pelt, leaving behind some fur on the rabbit's head and the bloodied, but hairless, body.

Washing the pelt in the water, he left it aside to dry out while he gutted and cleaned the insides of the rabbit. Lin Mu walked to the apple tree and plucked some more apples, then picked up the skinned rabbit and its pelt and walked back to the hunting shack.

growing hunger, he lit the stove and skewered the raw rabbit over it with the same sharp branch he used before to roast it; then sat down to wait for it

looked at the ring on his right hand and thought about all the events that happened yesterday

fortune' is indeed true. I was able to break through, but I also experienced

wooden slip appeared in his hand. Surprised about where the wooden slip came from, he

in the rift? How did it suddenly appear in my hand? The only way it would be possible is if this ring is

worked. He thought of putting the wooden slip inside the ring and it once again disappeared. Now wanting to bring it

It's indeed a spatial storage ring. Can I store other things in it? I

them and found that he could do it effortlessly. Experimenting with the ring as if he had found a new toy, time passed quickly until the rabbit was finally cooked. Putting a stop to playing with the ring he started to eat the rabbit, feeling a

it to be blank with nothing written on it. Confused with this discovery, he flipped around the wooden slip but

the ring. Now that there were only bones left of the rabbit, Lin Mu was able to easily break off the black horn from the skull of the rabbit. He stored it in the ring, intending to sell it in the town along with

been about four hours since he set up the snare traps. It would take him an hour to walk there and another to come back, but it should still leave him enough time to come back before becoming completely dark. Walking out of the shack, he stored the black-horned rabbit's pelt

the traps, he felt a buzzing coming from the ring and had a grim feeling of what was about to come. Cursing his

"Not again… Nooooooo…"

hand was sucked inside, he braced his legs ready for whatever was to come. This time he got a significantly different feeling than before. Where before it felt like his

pull my hand out, heck I don't even know if I'll be able to pull it out in

felt a rectangular object slam into it. As soon as he felt the object, it got loose and he was able to easily pull it out. It had not even been

a rectangular box, slightly larger

in the rift, it is stored in the ring. But it wasn't exactly the same with the

figure it out eventually. Still, my understanding of

He threw the stone inside the rift with the finesse of a toddler and held half of the stick inside the rift, and half outside. After a few seconds the rift

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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