Chapter 379

The thought of that sent shivers down Robert’s spine, but since Anthony already asked, Robert had no choice but to call for them upstairs.

Charmine was training on the horizontal bar with Chris. The sight of them seemed rather professional and cool-an adult and a child effortlessly pulling up on the bar.

Above that, the scene was so warm and homely, like a real family.

Robert snapped out of his thoughts and called out dully, “Lunch is ready.”

Charmine landed on the floor before she carried Chris down from the bar. “Remember to stretch after exercising,” advised Charmine, “like what Mommy is doing.”

She clasped her hands above her head and bent left to right, stretching the muscles on her arms.

Chris followed her movement, his tiny legs and hands looked cuter than ever. After finishing stretching their legs, Charmine held Chris’ hand and walked downstairs hand-in-hand.

for each of them to share on the table, and each of them had

Robert noticed everything as he walked down the stairs. It only occurred to him then why Charmine was willing to be


“That’s my spot! I want

your uncle, so don’t be

as he walked to Anthony’s side, his

a chicken wing. “Momo, be good, alright? You can still see your pretty Mommy


have such a good view! Hmph!” Chris pouted as he glared

at a loss for

with hostility when he did nothing wrong!

fish onto Charmine’s plate. “You’re too skinny-eat

not reject

table, but Anthony

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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