Chapter 418 Separation of Work and Private Matters

Elisa did not move.

Anita Golding looked at her phone and frowned when she saw an incoming call. She turned to Elisa. “Please excuse me for a moment. I have to answer this call.”

Elisa nodded.

She could not hear the phone conversation.

But Anita’s expression darkened considerably, prompting Elisa to arch an eyebrow and wonder if something had happened to her son again.

There shouldn’t be any issue with Brandon. Could something else have gone wrong?

“I understand.”

Anita hung up right after that.

Elisa looked at her curiously. “Is your son…”


all, she could not

“Ms. Benett, I… I might

not easy for her to ask someone

surprised. “What happened? As long as it’s within my abilities, I’ll help

to fight a lawsuit for

Anita closely. “What kind

breathed in softly and said, “Let’s have our

Since Elisa did not want to ruin her appetite, she did

Anita put down her cutleries and sighed before saying softly, “Can I have your

and took out her phone to exchange Whatsapp contact

are as stated in the document. You

what is said

impressed. How

chuckled. “My

Anita smirked, “I know.”

your evidence to me and let me know once the court

would have readily agreed to sign a contract with you

Anita was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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