Chapter 426 Don’t Tease Me

Will hesitated for a moment before saying softly, “Gareth is getting engaged next month.”

Elisa’s expression froze. Will looked at her with concern, but she suddenly laughed. “I finally understand why everyone in the office looked at me strangely.”

Her eyes flashed with mockery. She sounded as if she did not care. One could not find any trace of sadness in her.

Will smiled at her. “So, you’re not sad?”

“Why should I be sad?” Elisa seemed calm and unmoved by the news.

Furthermore, the news did not bring her any disadvantage. She could now speed up her plan. Moreover, Yara would likely contact her soon.

On the other hand, Will chuckled. “It seems you have truly let go. In that case, will you consider giving me a chance?”

Elisa started, “Mr. Darcey…”

“Call me Will.”

Elisa remained silent.

to be on a first-name

matter, he

to agree to

his lips. “They haven’t given up

meeting after two days. They might choose someone to

against working

now, she believed she needed to complete this project to enable her to elevate her position faster. Only then could she snatch back Benett Corporation and restore her father’s hard work. She did not

believed she would eventually regain control over the Benett

said, “What am I to do? You’re the only one that caught my eye and the only one I want to

took a deep breath. “Mr. Darcey, can you stop teasing me as if I’m a young

frowned in disagreement. His kind eyes seemed displeased. “To me, you are the most outstanding young lady in

to say,

waiters served the food. Elisa did not say anything

her usual

taking care of her, speaking to her gently, looking at her kindly, and always behaving

his womanizing tendencies, his rivalry with Gareth, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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