We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez

Chapter 241 She Doesn't Love Kieran

Chapter 241 She Doesn't Love Kieran

"If you kept a distance from me, I would be fine."

Alexa was indifferent, but Terrence was still passionate.

"The flowers in the Chrysanthemum Manor are blooming well. When you are better, I would like to take you and Damarion with me to pay a visit there."

"No. Thanks."

"Are you still feeling unwell?"


"Have a good rest then."


Alexa would try her best to answer with a single word.

Terrence was smart enough to stop the topic and did not bother Alexa anymore.

Seeing Terrence sitting down without permission, Alexa immediately put down the forks and looked up at him nervously.

"Why are you still here?"

"I'm here especially to stay with you."

Alexa felt embarrassed and frowned unhappily.

"I don't need you to say with me. Kieran would misunderstand it if he knew it."

"Kieran?" Terrence was so angry that he laughed instead, "who is Kieran? You seem to be so close to him."

"He is my lover."

Terrence, who had always been tough and decisive, was instantly speechless because of what Alexa said.

It became quiet in the patient's room. Alexa was about to go out for a walk when Jack Brown, Kieran's assistant, suddenly sent a large bouquet of roses over.

"Mrs. Powell, this is the flower Dr. Powell gave you," Jack said sincerely. He added, "If you felt bored, I would call the nurse to go with you for a walk downstairs.

"Thankyou," Alexa smiled cheerfully, "sorry to trouble him."

"What's the matter? Mr. Ramsey." Jack looked at Terrence seriously.

However, Terrence ignored Jack. Moreover, Terrence directly snatched the flower from Alexa's hand and smashed it at the door.




you can go to work now,"

on a very unhappy expression again and silently glanced at the

them all," Alexa blamed


hell are you

was a faint flame flickering in his eyes. Terrence was

know what

broken rose and held it

her carefully arranging the

and directly pushed


muttered unhappily. Not long after, Terrence returned.

have anything else to

"I'll compensate you."

manner, and inside was

was not moved at all, and she

you think

"Don't you like roses?"


to continue to comfort her, but he received calls from

with in

expressionlessly, completely pretending

drip, Alexa felt

just so happened that there was a dinner party tonight, and Alexa quietly

night, on

the most popular area in New York, Glory Street had always been the most focused area

Aston Martin was stopped in front of the red carpet, and it was remarkable. The crowd was instantly attracted, and everyone was holding their breath as they waited for

was dressed in a

appearance. Her glamorous and beautiful makeup complemented her priceless diamond


intimately holding Alexa's arm

get you here.

has things to do in the

doesn't matter whether Kieran comes or

walked side by side towards the venue. They did not expect to meet a group of well-dressed girls. The person in

Ms. Duran? What? Didn't you hook

shut up?" Clara argued back

don't you know what kind of person

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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