Chapter 267 Priceless Love

"It must be Terrence!"

Jovan was so angry that he slammed the table and stood up with a ferocious expression.

"Mr. Clough, before he goes far, we might as well kill him to prevent future troubles!" an assistant suggested.


Jovan shouted angrily with a gloomy face and gradually calmed down.

"Now it seems that Derick must be under Terrence's control.

"If they make any moves, it will be a big problem."

After weighing the matter over and over again, Jovan still did not think of any way to take revenge, so he could only swallow his resentment.

At that time, Terrence was already on his way home.

It was a peaceful night. But all of a sudden, there was a sudden flash of lightning, and heavy rain swept over in an instant.

The driver calmly drove the car, but Terrence slowly opened his eyes as he was resting in the back seat, a hint of worry flashing through his eyes.

"Please drive faster."

The driver suddenly became absent-minded and thought that he had heard something wrong.

But he still replied, "Yes."

With such heavy rain, Terrence was worried that Alexa would be so afraid that she would lose sleep.

Terrence looked down at the ring on his finger. His face darkened, and he seemed rather concerned.

Thanks to the driver, the half-an-hour drive took less than 20 minutes at that time.

Terrence could not wait to hold the umbrella into the yard and went straight to the room on the second floor.

When he reached the door, he subconsciously slowed down.

After opening the door, Terrence found the room was in darkness.

Terrence finally calmed down.

Meanwhile, Alexa, who was lying on the bed, was tightly wrapped in the quilt and seemed to be uneasy.

Terrence quietly sat by the bed with his cold fingers gently lifting aside Alexa's hair.

As Alexa slept, she slightly frowned, and sweat covered her forehead.

Terrence thought, are you having a nightmare again?

Terrence narrowed his eyes slightly as he patted Alexa's palm as if she were a baby.

"Alexa. Don't be afraid. I'm here."

At the same time, Alexa seemed to have sensed Terrence's presence and grabbed his hand without any hesitation, breathing steadily.

Terrence stayed by her side, admiring Alexa's gentle sleeping face through the dim light coming outside the window.

"Damarion looks exactly like you. My Alexa." Terrence said with a soft tone and a smile.

After a while, Alexa's phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

instantly disappeared and was replaced with a strong

and took a photo of him and Alexa holding hands. In the

Terrence wrote in the

If there is anything,

the message, Terrence had never received any

from Kieran.

of his mouth as if

got his

moment, Kieran was standing in the corridor of


an operation and saw the heavy

so he called Alexa.

it was Terrence who

suddenly punched the wall, but

to have fallen into


happened to your

passed by exclaimed. When

was even

had never had such an expression. And he acted


"Dr. Powell..."

scaring you,"

should take care of your hand. Hurry

said, blushing

"Thank you."

and turned to

hospital, there was barely

door to the office, he

young woman sitting inside.


"Dr. Bisley."

colleague, turned around with

blood on Kieran's hand, she instantly

hand? Let me bandage

I can

so, Lilah still took out the

skillfully helped Kieran treat

late. Why are you here? Any emergency?"

know you have

I came to see

work in the psychiatry department?


"It's okay. As usual."

had some random chat for a while,

Kieran, trying to change the

the way, Dr. Powell,

do you mean?" Kieran smiled

"Your manic depression."

all, it's been so many years," Kieran


know that you still miss

Kieran heard the name, he felt the

instantly sweep over him and take hold

all, how can you forget someone who loves

as Lilah finished speaking,

face and tied the bandage

something to do. Excuse me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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