Chapter 289 Keyon Is Partial

"Why are you waiting?"

After that, Terrence immediately stepped forward to hold

Damarion from Keyon's arms.

Damarion was burning hot all over, and his face was smeared with

tears. He looked very pitiful.

"Mom... Dad..."

Hearing Damarion's hoarse voice, Alexa was very tortured. She was distressed to hear that.

Keyon was stunned for a long time. When he recovered from the shock, Terrence and Alexa sent Damarion to the hospital.

Giselle stepped forward to hold Keyon, and she wore a sly smile.

"Keyon, they are gone."

"I know," Keyon replied angrily.


Giselle wanted to make a show and asked Keyon to follow them to take a look.

But Keyon suddenly glanced at Giselle fiercely.

Giselle was shocked and bit back the words.

Keyon did not say more and turned to go upstairs with a gloomy face.

Ten minutes later, Terrence rushed into the hospital with Damarion in his arms.

The most powerful experts in the department were all waiting, and it was tense.

Damarion was tired from crying, and he sobbed in Terrence's arms from time to time. Terrence felt distressed and frowned.

"Mr. Ramsey, Damarion has a very high fever." The doctor said nervously, "Let's see how it goes after he has IVs."


Terrence did not hesitate at all and carried Damarion to the ward.

Alexa followed behind them, her eyes red.

"It's fine." Terrence looked at her comfortingly. "Don't worry. I'm here."

Alexa was not only worried about Damarion but also thinking about Keyon.

Those things were crushing her and almost overwhelmed her.

The nurse soon brought the drip and needle. At the sight of the long needle, Terrence became more serious.

"Be gentle." Terrence said, "Don't make any mistakes."

"Mr. Ramsey, I understand."

The nurse was skillful, and Terrence silently hugged Damarion

even tighter, looking more nervous than Alexa.

Daddy and mommy will be with

Terrence tried his best to remain calm, Alexa could



first time for Terrence to

was stuck by the

he was already

his eyes on Damarion. Alexa did not know what Terrence

late. Just go to sleep." Terrence

to worry, but

was my fault just now. I shouldn't

fault." Terrence immediately interrupted, "If I

was also here, I would not have come

returned home today," Alexa said calmly,

abroad these days."

know what

absent-mindedly for a while.

from the

Keyon sent some messages.

Keyon: "In the hospital?"

"I'll be

for a long time and did not know what


was unhappy not because of the confrontation between Keyon and Terrence, but because Keyon was

noticed that Keyon


Terrence was puzzled.


"It's fine."

explain it, Terrence


that Alexa and

you?" Terrence asked

hope that

in his arms, Terrence looked patient

Alexa felt very

was making a

fine. Don't

Alexa walked out of the ward and received a

after she left, Edwin quietly entered the

"Mr. Ramsey."

not as

someone to protect her in

if anything happens."

what about

keep an eye on her. She's not allowed to

Ramsey and



on his son.

tone was

want to see it happen



After hesitation, he still spoke


Kieran. There

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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