We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez

Chapter 236 It Is Just a Minor Injury

Chapter 236 It Is Just a Minor Injury

But she ran too fast and did not pay attention to her feet at all.

Alexa lost her balance, and her ankle suddenly twisted into an ugly arc.


She growled, and her face turned pale from the pain.

"Terrence, stay away from Damarion!"

Terrence gently patted Damarion's back. The little baby who had been crying non-stop just now quickly calmed down and fell asleep again.

The water on Alexa's body dripped down, and her ankle was swollen, but she did not say anything.

Terrence looked at her with pity and helplessness. After putting down Damarion, he walked back to her.

Alexa automatically dodged, which made Terrence feel even guiltier.

"Sit tight," he said in a low voice.

Alexa stubbornly pulled out her hand, not wanting him to touch it.

"If you don't want your foot to break, then hurry up and sit down."

Terrence's gloomy voice sounded, and Alexa could only sit down on the sofa.

He knelt down on one knee and gently lifted Alexa's left foot.

"It hurts..." Alexa frowned and a layer of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Now you know the pain?"

Terrence said a little seriously and carefully checked her injury.

"It's not too serious. Where is the medicine chest?"

It was as if he had been in his own house, and some strange emotions were crazily growing in Alexa's heart.

"In the coffee table cabinet."

After Terrence went out, he quickly came back with the medicine chest.

Alexa had changed into a clean set of clothes and was sitting by Damarion's bedside drying her hair.

Terrence naturally bent over to her side, skillfully handling the sprain on her ankle.

Damarion was sleeping beside her, and Alexa could only silently endure the pain, not daring to make a sound.

After the injury was dealt with, Alexa's face was pale.

it hurt?" Terrence asked with concern, "I'll

"No need."

with a cold face and

"You should go."

her and silently put away the medicine chest before

shock, but not

you still not leaving!" Alexa let out a low, angry,

did not mind. Instead, he sat down beside

sleep." Terrence said

would be strange if Alexa

out!" Alexa warily pulled her quilt to

are you

spread out his hands innocently. "I'll

refused, "Hurry


and looked deeply at

you get in?" Alexa

"I'm leaving."


Terrence said lightly, "Good

"Okay," Alexa replied indifferently.

Terrence drove down the street for a long time. Only then did he find that he did not seem to have

Villa was too spacious and empty, and he did not

just promised

Terrence went to

busy could he temporarily

next day, Alexa was woken up


few tender calls, Alexa

"Yes, Damarion."

leaning on the edge

that she had no choice but to get

hug Damarion like she usually did, Alexa's face suddenly

what had happened last night, and

force out a smile at Damarion in

Damarion. Mom has a

big, lustrous eyes and sensibly

pinch Damarion's cheek. "Do

soon as she finished speaking, someone immediately knocked on the

"Alexa, it's me."

familiar voice, Alexa immediately smiled and

"Kieran, come in."

the hospital. In order to see her,

"Good morning."

held a bunch of

thought you

"I like them."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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